Scrapbook Software Secrets Revealed Photoshop Elements 4.0

By Christine

Photoshop Elements has just got better and better! I have the 1.0 version of Photoshop Elements and now, it’s at its 4.0 version! So, what’s new about 4.0? The CEO of Scrap Girlsreveal the secrets:

Find out what a snap it is to learn how to create digital scrapbooking layouts in Photoshop Elements 4.0!

Dear friend,

Even though we’ve never met, I probably could guess why you are reading this page. You have heard about digital scrapbooking, right? You may have even seen some digital scrapbook layouts and you are curious about it. You may have even decided that you want to try it yourself.

So you went looking for information on the internet that would teach you what to do so that you could become a digital scrapbooker. But the more you looked, the more you became confused by what you found.

There are plenty of ‘tutorials’ out there, right? But when you try to read through them, it seems like they have been written in a language that you don’t speak and so instead of being enlightened, you feel even more confused!

How do I know this?

Because I get emails from people like you every day. They ask me what they should do. They go to the Scrap Girls message board and ask our members what to do. They come to Scrap Girls Crop and Learn events, hoping to learn techniques that will get them started as a digital scrapbooker.

Finally, I decided that enough was enough!

It was time for me to use my ability to create easy-to-understand training movies so that you would have a boost up into the fun world of creating digital scrapbook layouts. It was time to SHOW you how to do those basic techniques that all digital scrapbookers need to know…

You’re right about wanting to try it, too. Digital scrapbooking is fun, space-saving, and cost-effective. It is cost effective because even if you purchase the majority of your supplies that talented designers have created (like those we sell in our Boutique), those supplies can be used over and over again! And no GLUE is required. (Wink)

In fact, I’ll share with you that because I used to buy so much stuff when I scrapbooked (I’ll admit it - I was a horder), becoming a digital scrapbooker has easily saved me thousands of dollars during the last year alone! What’s more I now have a free room in my house because I unloaded my huge, unnecessary stash of stuff I had collected.

That’s why I created Scrapbook Software Secrets Revealed: Photoshop Elements 4.0.

But I’m getting ahead of myself…

You are probably wondering who I am and why I can help you learn to use Photoshop Elements 4.0 products as scrapbooking software, right?

Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Rozanne Paxman and I am the CEO of Scrap Girls. I have over 20 years experience in education and business (including ‘insider’ scrapbooking experience with major scrapbooking manufacturers) and have been a scrapbooker for even longer. I have the experience and skills necessary to teach you how to use your Photoshop Elements 4.0 software to create digital scrapbook layouts.

But the most important thing to know about me is that find myself helping people like you every single day. But sending you an email with a written explanation just isn’t the same as if I could just bring you into my office and show you step-by-step how to create a digital scrapbook layout, right?

Of course not!

But now, with these training movies, you have a first-class ticket into my office to watch me scrapbook and work in Photoshop Elements 4.0.

When you watch these training movies, it is as if you have signed me up to be your personal digital scrapbooking tutor, but better because you can watch these movies repeatedly until you are sure that you absolutely ‘get it.’ You won’t have to worry that you might forget what I’ve taught you!

The course consists of short, narrated screen-capture movies in which you literally can see me scrapbooking and creating in Photoshop Elements 4.0. Because they are narrated, you can hear my explanations of why you will be successful if you follow the directions you are hearing. You will hear me give you tips that you won’t find in any written manuals anywhere. You will learn keyboard short cuts easily as I instruct you over and over again how to find them.

To find out more, click HERE.

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