REVIEW Renewance anti-Aging Chemical Peel ...

By Elke

REVIEW Renewance anti-Aging Chemical Peel ...

Freeman's Renewance Anti-Aging Chemical Peel
Pomegranate Antiox-peptide Complex
92% wrinkle reduction
88% more radiant skin
92% smoother, younger looking skin

AntiOx-Peptide Complex™
restores skin's water, plumping fine lines and wrinkles.

DensiSkin® Polypeptide Complex
protects against water loss & dehydration

Sounds amazing doesn't it? And with summer heat just attacking my poor skin, I figure, I'm ready for a little mini day spa treat. Though super fine print states that the women in this study saw the above % of results after a 28 day in home use, still, my hopes are high. And for $12.99, price and results are a very nice and needed combination.

Directions state: "Apply thin, even layer over clean face, avoiding sensitive eye are Leave on skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water. A slight tingling sensation indicates the product is working. Use two to three times a week."

Well, my slightly sensitive, thin, fair skin is the type that needs a lot to see results immediately. To another's eyes, my skin looks great, but my super hawk vision sees unevenness, pores around my nose, lackluster dull skin. After thoroughly cleansing my face, I apply a thin layer as directed. The moisturizer like cream is slightly grainy (like sugar or salt was added, but very mild consistency), and the scent is very pleasantly mild. After 2 minutes, the cream starts to feel slightly tight, slightly warm, but no tingling. Okay, 8 minutes into it, I feel a slight tingling, also slightly more warm, but nothing to worry about, as in, very slight. After 10 minutes, I rinse off with cool water. The cream rinses off very easily, and my skin looks a little flushed, pinky, but not red. Skin feels good, not sticky, tacky, just really clean, though I do feel the need to apply moisturizer. Moisturizer just glides on and skin feels fantastic. I notice that foundation also glides on and I feel like I need less. And this is only after one application. For it's price, I'd say this is very worth it.

Freeman's Renewance Anti-Aging Chemical Peel

Source: Freeman Beauty
, anti-aging, chemical peel

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