7 Reasons Why Johnny Depp is so Sexy ...

By Neecey3 Comments

7 Reasons Why Johnny Depp is so Sexy ...

Can you even count the reasons why Johnny Depp is so sexy? Well, if I can stop sighing and gazing at his picture I’ll tell you… Actor, producer, writer, musician, John Christopher Depp II, born June 9 1963, Oscar Nominee (Pirates of the Caribbean, Finding Neverland, Sweeney Todd) Golden Globes winner (Sweeney Todd) is top of my sexiest men list because for a number of reasons. Just look at that resume! But it goes far beyond that, as you'll see by my list of reasons why Johnny Depp is so sexy. To start off with, he's sexy because:

1 Of His Eyes

His eyes are one of the main reasons why Johnny Depp is so sexy. Don’t you think you could just drown in them? They twinkle and smile when he smiles. He’s a real star with stars in his eyes. Plus the fact, he’s just so sexy.

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2 He’s Talented and Versatile

Captain Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands, JM Barrie, Sweeney Todd, the Mad Hatter, John Dillinger, Willy Wonka, Roux, Ichabod Crane, Ed Wood, Cry Baby … can any other contemporary actor match the breadth and depth of roles he has played? Maybe, it’s because he’s so sexy.

3 He’s No Hollywood Stereotype

His unique look is another reason why Johnny Depp is so sexy. You can’t call him classically handsome and he doesn’t have rugged good looks. He’s not even one of those uglyish types who are strangely attractive. He’s quirky and unconventional. I love his current look but I can’t help thinking that if I saw him in a white suit with that facial hair style and glasses he’d look like Colonel Sanders of KFC fame. Oh, and because he’s just so sexy.

4 He’s Funny

Whenever I’ve seen him in interviews on UK TV, he’s always seemed so disarming and not afraid to be himself. He also appeared on a much beloved British comedy show with one of our national treasures – chunky comedienne Dawn French – who is only ever proposed to by a succession of oddballs and weirdoes. Johnny and Dawn’s scene ended with one of the longest snogs in TV history. Talk about making me jealous. Oh, and did I mention it’s because he is so sexy.

5 He Set a New Fashion Trend

Well, resurrected one, really. Did you ever think that flouncy shirts and roll top slouch boots would come back into fashion after the New Romantics did them to death in the '80s? Thanks to Captain Jack Sparrow they have re-emerged as an essential fashion item. Lucky I still had mine packed away in the loft then. I might also have previously said it’s because he’s so sexy.

6 He’s Cool

His coolness factor is another reason why Johnny Depp is so sexy. When playing a role, he really doesn’t care how he looks in order to capture his part. From frizzy orange hair (Mad hatter), a tattooed tear drop (Cry Baby), skin tight (mmm) leathers (Scissorhands), scrofulous pirate wear (Captain Jack), b-sci-fi movie bob and velvet suit (Willy Wonka) and a plaited pony tail (Roux) – JD’s been through them all. It doesn’t matter what accoutrements he needs to play his part he still stays so sexy.

7 He’s Creative

It’s really the only way to describe someone who can base an 19th Century pirate on a high rolling fast living rock star of dubious nature and get away with it. He’s the perfect fit for the bizarre and often macabre worlds that Tim Burton creates. To top it all he’s a musician so it’s ok for me to dream of him serenading me.

Ok – I’m off for a cold shower now. I hope you enjoyed this list of reasons why Johnny Depp is so sexy. One last thing before I go. Did I perhaps just mention it’s because he’s so sexy? Anyone care to disagree?

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com

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