Djamila Broekhuijsen

Simple girl with a complicated mind. I'm from the Netherlands and my name is pronounced as Dja-me-la. Sarcasm is my middle name and I love spending my time being creative. I'm new to writing and along with that I love all kinds of art, animals, spirituality, nature, tattoos, mythology, veganism and all things natural. I hope to enlighten your day and make you smile with my writing. Feel free to learn more about me on Instagram or Tumblr, at Pixiepurrrfect.

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7 Tips on Surviving an Italian Family ...

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7 Reasons to Shop at the Body Shop ...

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Surprising Things Toddlers Can Teach Us All ...

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7 Things You Shouldn't Be Ashamed of as a Woman ...

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All the Best Reasons to Get a Ragdoll Cat ...

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7 Ways to Reduce Clutter in Your Home ...