Andra Henderson

I live vicariously through myself as a Canadian-born writer, singer, actor, attempted dancer, YouTuber, social media-er, animal lover not eater, cat cuddler and rescuer, natural health and wellness promoter, high maintenance nature lover, yoga and meditation practicer, world traveler, avid arts supporter, all music listener and appreciator, book 'wormer', vintage fancier, female liberator, open-mindedness celebrator, insatiable learner, fast-talking socializer, silliness instigator, sarcastic banterer, lip pouter, French kisser, and body 'contortionator' (ok, that last one might just be a lie - sorry guys!) I hope you enjoy my articles. (Feel free to humour me if you don't! Ha!)

Life is too short to be anything less than fabulous. Be fabulous! Be you.

7 Ways to Make Your Eyes Look Younger ...

7 Ways to Make Your Eyes Look Younger ...

10 Things You Should Know about Depression ...

10 Things You Should Know about Depression ...

10 Ways to Love Your Boobs ...

10 Ways to Love Your Boobs ...

10 Ways to Love Your Vagina ...

10 Ways to Love Your Vagina ...

10 Commandments for Being a Fabulous Female ...

10 Commandments for Being a Fabulous Female ...

7 Tips for Lovely Lips ...

7 Tips for Lovely Lips ...

10 Weight Loss Victories You Can Count without a Scale ...

10 Weight Loss Victories You Can Count without a Scale ...

7 Ways to Celebrate the Holidays with Presence Not Presents ...

7 Ways to Celebrate the Holidays with Presence Not Presents ...

10 Facts about Warm Lemon Water to Motivate You to Drink It Every Morning ...

10 Facts about Warm Lemon Water to Motivate You to Drink It Every Morning ...