What Are Prenatal Supplements and Why You Should Include Them In Your Diet ...


What Are Prenatal Supplements and Why You Should Include Them In Your Diet ...
What Are Prenatal Supplements and Why You Should Include Them In Your Diet ...

Good nutrition is a must before, during and after pregnancy. A proper diet will help you have a healthy pregnancy and prevent potential complications. In addition to eating a well-balanced diet, some women may benefit from taking prenatal vitamins or supplements that offer extra nutrients and minerals not found in regular food.

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1. Prenatal Supplements Are a Great Way to Keep Your Body in Working Order

Prenatal supplements, are a great way to keep your body in working order. They can help prevent problems like anemia, which can make you feel tired and depressed. They also contain folic acid which helps the brain develop properly in utero.

Prenatal vitamins have all of the nutrients that you need to stay healthy during pregnancy, but they're often not enough on their own! That's why we recommend adding a prenatal supplement to your daily diet as well--it'll give you more energy during those long days at work or school, reduce the risk for certain medical issues like preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), increase bone strength for when labor comes along later on down the road...and best of all: help prevent those pesky morning sickness symptoms from coming back after lunchtime so easily!

2. They can Prevent you From Feeling Tired, Which Makes it Easier for you to Stay Active and Healthy

Prenatal supplements are a great way to ensure that you're getting the nutrients you need, which can help prevent fatigue. When you're pregnant, it's normal to feel tired and exhausted during the first trimester due to hormone changes. As your body adjusts to these changes over time, though, many women find themselves feeling more energized as they progress into their second trimester and beyond.

Prenatal vitamins contain iron for healthy red blood cell production; calcium for strong bones; folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) for preventing neural tube defects in newborns; iodine for brain development; selenium for immune function; vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol) because we all need some sunshine every once in a while!

If you're still experiencing fatigue after taking prenatal vitamins regularly throughout all three trimesters of pregnancy - talk with your doctor about other ways you might be able to boost your energy levels without compromising on nutrition or safety.

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3. Prenatal Supplements and Your Hair

Prenatal vitamins are not just good for your body, they're also good for your hair. When you take prenatal supplements, your body gets more nutrients than it would otherwise. These nutrients help ensure that your skin and hair look their best.

Since prenatal vitamins contain iron, which helps to produce red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body (including to the roots of your hair), this can lead to stronger, shinier locks. Hair grows faster when it has more oxygen flowing through it! Plus, these vitamins also support cell growth in general--so if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant soon and have been noticing less-than-healthy hair growth lately...this could be why!

4. Prenatal Supplements and Your Nails

Prenatal supplements can also help with your nails, so that they don't break as easily or get brittle during pregnancy. Nails are made of protein and calcium, which are two nutrients that prenatal supplements contain. When you're pregnant, your body loses fluids (and therefore minerals) at a faster rate than normal. This can cause problems with the health of both your teeth and nails if not addressed in time.

Prenatal vitamins will help fill in these nutrient gaps by providing extra calcium and iron to keep both tissues healthy throughout your pregnancy.

5. Prenatal Supplements During Pregnancy

You're pregnant, and you're probably feeling pretty good about that. But now it's time to start thinking about what you can do to keep yourself healthy during this time in your life.

Prenatal supplements are an important part of taking care of yourself before and during pregnancy--and they're also a great way to help ensure the healthiest possible outcome for both mommy-to-be and baby. But what exactly do prenatal vitamins include? Commonly they have these ingredients:

They may have more or fewer ingredients, but these are some of the most common ingredients in these formulas.

6. Are Prenatal Supplements Enough?

Prenatal vitamins are a good place to start, but there are other supplements you can take. If you're not taking any other prenatal supplements, it's important that you talk with your doctor about what else might be right for your body.

There are many different types of prenatal vitamins available at the store and online, so it's important that you do some research before buying one. You'll want to make sure that the one(s) you choose contain all of the essential vitamins and minerals needed by pregnant women--including folic acid (folate), iron, calcium and vitamin D--and have no added ingredients like sugar or fillers (which can cause indigestion).

7. Folic Acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin that's crucial for fetal development. It's found in many foods, such as leafy greens, legumes, and whole grains. If you're pregnant or planning to be pregnant and haven't been taking a prenatal supplement containing folic acid before now (or if you didn't get enough of it from your diet), talk to your doctor about starting one now.

Some women who aren't trying to conceive take folic acid supplements even though they don't need them--and that's fine! They just want their bodies ready for babymaking should the time come around again soon.

8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential part of a healthy pregnancy. Omega 3s help your baby's brain development, and they also support their vision and hearing. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in fish, nuts and seeds--and prenatal supplements!

9. Iron Supplementation

Iron is an essential mineral that's important for the development of your baby's brain and nervous system. During pregnancy, it's common to be deficient in iron because your body needs more than usual to support your growing baby. You can get plenty of iron from prenatal vitamins, but you still need additional supplementation--especially if you're breastfeeding.

Prenatal supplements contain more than just folic acid: they also include other nutrients like zinc, iodine and vitamin D, which are required by adults and babies alike during this time period. Taking a multivitamin with these nutrients will help ensure that both you and your unborn child have all they need!

10. Prenatal Vitamins and Your Baby

You can't just rely on prenatal vitamins for your baby's health; you need to include other supplements in your diet, too. Vitamins and minerals are important for your overall health, but they're also crucial during pregnancy. Folic acid has been shown to decrease the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in babies like spina bifida and anencephaly. Iron helps keep your blood healthy by carrying oxygen through the body, so it's important that you get enough iron through food or supplements if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. [1] Omega 3 fatty acids help with brain development [2], which is why it's important for pregnant women who are breastfeeding their babies to get their share!

The best way to get the most out of your prenatal supplements is by eating a healthy diet. If you're not sure what foods are good for you and your baby, talk with your doctor about which ones might help. You also need to make sure that you get enough sleep so that your body can recover from stress each day!

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