Posh Spice is No Style Icon


Posh Spice is No Style Icon
Posh Spice is No Style Icon

But then we knew that. If we didn't, Simon Mills (trendmeister journalist and husband of former model Yasmin Mills) would have certainly set us straight with his scathing review of Victoria Beckham's new book, That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everything in Between:

On the pages about jeans, for instance, she just blethers on
inconclusively and uninsightfully about all the denims she’s ever
bought, covering all cuts and labels, before deciding that dark blue,
boot cut, skinny ones are what suits her best. Well, thanks but we
already knew that, didn’t we? ...Her mother, clearly cut from the same introspective cloth as her
daughter, passed on two vital style tips to her daughter. “Never wear
horizontal stripes.” and, ready for this?, “don’t eat beetroot because
it stains and I never have to this day.” What insight!

...I’m sorry but I just don’t buy the idea of Victoria Beckham as this
pared down, less-is-more style goddess going that “extra inch” for her
admirers. I much preferred her as the trashy footballer’s wife with her
default-setting glamourflage of hair extensions, Cuprinol skin tone,
flared jeans and Gina heels. There was an endearingly tacky honesty
about her back then.

It is hard to disagree with Mills, especially when Victoria says things like this:

I’m doing something I’m actually very good at. I
can confidently sit in a room with Donatella Versace or anyone in the
fashion business and be respected as I know what I’m talking about.

Except I've yet to see any evidence - not least in how Posh dresses and styles herself - that she does.

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