3 New IPhone Apps to Stalk...

By Sheila7 Comments

3 New IPhone Apps to Stalk...

Can you imagine life without Angry Birds, Plants v Zombies, Instagram, Bing, Kindle and other such life changing apps? If you answered yes, I bow down to you. You are not a slave to technology and obviously all kinds of awesome. If however you are like me and apps complete you, here are 3? new iPhone apps for you to stalk...

1 Press Reader

Press Reader is not just another mobile news application and the reason I say this is because no other app out there gives you access to over 1800 same day, full-content, local, national and international newspapers. Press Reader basically gives you digital replicas of the printed edition and that means you can flip pages just the way you would with an actual newspaper, pan, zoom and scroll for easier news reading. See something you like? Share it instantly via email, Facebook and Twitter. Too lazy to read? Try the on-demand audio feature. Isn't that awesome? If you're not an iPhone user don't despair because Press Reader is also available on Android Honeycomb OS, iOS, Blackberry Playbook and on Win 7 Slate PCs. If you are a certified news junkie, Press reader is must-have app! Check it out hereandhere.

Frequently asked questions

2 Lady's Days

Here's a confession: I am AWFUL at remembering my menstruation dates. In fact, the boyfriend usually does the remembering for me. Yep, that's how bad I am and that's exactly why the Lady's Days app is such a lifesaving app for women like me. Not only is it a joy to look at and easy to browse through but it makes monitoring your menstruation and fertility period a breeze! It's free until the 21st of October so download it right now for carefree "lady's days".

3 Oobijoo

This particular app is still being developed but I love the idea so much that I had to add it to our list. Online dating is as common as ants at a picnic these days and considering the number of crazies out there, safety should be every woman's first priority and Oobijoo promises just that and more. Oobijoo will be ready to launch at the end of this year and they will begin testing it in November. To know more, visit theirwebsite or their Facebook pageand follow them on Twitter.

Those are my picks for new iPhone apps that you have to check out! What cool apps have you come across lately?

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