All Women's Talk

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It's always nice to get a smooch from your partner. However, making out can become bland if you do it too often without switching up your routine. That's why you should shake things up by adding new material into the mix. If you can't think of anything fun to do, here are a few twists to make making out more fun:

Table of contents:

  1. Put an Ice Cube in Your Mouth
  2. Chew Flavored Gum before Kissing
  3. Write Body Parts down on Dice
  4. joqogħdu qrib mingħajr ma tintmiss
  5. Blindfold Yourself in the Middle of a Makeout
  6. See How Long You Can Kiss without Stopping
  7. Put Chocolate on His Lips

1 Put an Ice Cube in Your Mouth

Most of the time, your lips and tongue will feel pretty warm. That's why you should shake things up by popping an ice cube into your mouth before you kiss your man. Swirl it around in order to get your entire mouth feeling frozen. That way, when you kiss him, he'll feel an entirely new sensation. It'll send chills down his spine--in a good way.

2 Chew Flavored Gum before Kissing

Qabel ma inti kiss lilu, inti jistgħu jomogħdu fuq a flavor delicious tal-ħanek, jew anke xi ftit ta ' l-istess kulur Skittles. Meta inti finalment Illokkja ix xufftejn, hu ikollok togħma dak li inti ngħaqadt l-ftit tasted. Imbagħad huwa jista jaqta dak li hu l-flavor. Jekk hu ħażin, imbagħad għandek biex iżommu passjonali lilu sakemm hu jista iġġibu dritt.

3 Write Body Parts down on Dice

Manki għall xi dadi u xi biċċiet ta ' tejp li inti jistgħu jqiegħdu fuq kull naħa tad-dadi. Ikteb il-partijiet differenti tal-karozzerija fuq dawk il-biċċiet tat-tejp, u imbagħad irrombla l-dadi. Kwalunkwe parti tal-korp int art fuq hija l-parti ta ' korp li jkollok kiss fuq sieħeb tiegħek. Jekk m'intix sesswalment attiva, Ftakar li għandek iżżommha G-ikklassifikata minn ssemmi il-Partijiet tal-ġisem innoċenti simili l-għonq, tad-dahar ta ' l-idejn, u ix-xufftejn.

4 joqogħdu qrib mingħajr ma tintmiss

Making out will feel much more exciting when you're both eager to grab each other. That's why you two should sit so close that your lips are almost touching. Stay that way for as long as you can, and see who gives in first. Here's a secret: It doesn't really matter which one of you gives in, because the temptation is going to make that kiss hotter than ever for both of you.

5 Blindfold Yourself in the Middle of a Makeout

Most people close their eyes before kissing anyway, so this activity shouldn't feel too weird for you. All you have to do is grab a blindfold, or a scarf that can work as a blindfold, and tie it around your eyes. Not knowing when your partner is going to lean in for another kiss can really make you go wild.

6 See How Long You Can Kiss without Stopping

It's time to challenge yourselves. You should get into kissing position and then see who can last the longest without stopping to pull away for air or to take their shirt off. The winner gets a compliment!

7 Put Chocolate on His Lips

If you have some melted chocolate, you can place it on his lips and then lick it off of him. Of course, if you're sexually active, you can place that melted chocolate all over his chest before you lap it off.

Your partner is going to love kissing you, no matter how often you do it. Of course, that shouldn't stop you from trying out these new techniques that can make your make out sessions even sweeter. What else have you done to make kissing more fun?

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