Monday's Highlights - Just for Single and Fabulous You ...

By Anne

Monday's Highlights - Just for Single and Fabulous You ...

So, if you are single, what are you planning on the up coming Valentine's Day? We had few ideas that you might enjoy.

Wondering why cupid can't help you out? Wonder no more! Because you are going to dump him anyway.

Have fun at: DumpCupid and most importantly, have a laugh. Single is fabulous!

You don't have to have a boyfriend to make yourself happy, but you do have to have a positive attitude towards yourself...
Bella Bella Boutique- This isn't just about fashion. This is about a lifestyle.

Bella Bella is more than a lingerie boutique. It's a lifestyle experience. We believe in enhancing our surroundings to make our lives more enjoyable. Bella Bella brings a new innovative concept for lingerie shopping: Lingerie Lounge. Here you will find all the ingredients to dress your body and soul: exquisite lingerie, luxurious bath & body products, home fragrances, sexy, soulful, sensual music from around the world and must-have high-end accessories. Everything to create the perfect ambience for love and fun!

Here we've captured few more snap shots from them... Imagine, you could be beautiful to, for yourself.

I am not sure how many of you have tried Yoga. I did and I love it. The reason why I love it is it doesn't require much space, you can pretty much do it anywhere you want. And of course it doesn't require 1000 dollars of equipments just to get start. Again, I am not sure how it works out for you, but my result came quicker than I expected. Almost from day one, I found myself slept much better. (I guess all excise do?) Also, my mind is much more peaceful.

However, I did fail to keep it up. I run out of positions on my book and I wasn't sure if I've got all the position right. Most of you who failed to continue this easy excise probably have same experience.

Thanks to our friend Shuttlecock who mention this great site on his blog called: Yoga Today.

You can download lessons there and start doing Yoga at home. I will start my Yoga again today. In fact, I've already got my Yoga outfit on!

Nothing is better than a relaxed mood on holiday by yourself. I wish you have a great Valentine's Day, with yourself...

I hope you enjoyed this week's pick. If you have something you'd like to suggest to all of us, post on Apples2apple Club!
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