steph Feb 27, 2008


On today’s live edition of ‘The Martha Stewart Show’ (nationally syndicated, check local listings), actress Maura Tierney (‘ER’) joined Martha in the kitchen to prepare a fantastic seafood chowder. The pair chatted about everything from Maura’s new film and her hilarious co-stars to their ex-husbands.

Below are a few excerpts from today’s conversation!

MS: Eight [years] is a long time on one of the top shows [ER] ever. You have to know a lot about medicine.

MH: The only problem is, is I think I know a lot about medicine.

MS: Have you ever diagnosed anybody?

MH: I did. I diagnosed my ex-husband.

MS: While you were married?

MH: Yeah. After we were married?! Are you kidding?!

MS: Were you splitting up at the time?

MH: You’re acting like I gave him the appendicitis.

MS: No, no! During my divorce, I would have never told my husband he had appendicitis. It would have just been more clean…a much cleaner divorce…go to bed. Don’t go to the doctor. Don’t you think that would have been more fun?


MS: How is it working with Woody Harrelson who is sort of a naughty boy?

MH: He’s a naughty boy in the movie only.

MS: Not in real life?

MH: No, not in real life.

MS: He’s straightened out?

MH: Was he ever un-straight?

MS: I think he was a naughty boy. I sat next to him on a plane once.

**MH: **What did he do?

MS: Oh, he was going to Costa Rica to surf. He surfs all over the world.


MS: Where haven’t you been?

MH: Kansas.

MS: Oh, you have to go to Kansas! Kansas is beautiful. I think I’ve been to every state in our beautiful country. If you haven’t visited every state in the union, I think you should.

MH: I agree. It’s amazing how beautiful this country is. I’ve driven it so many times.

MS: I’ve never done that. I would love to do that. I’m going to take a helicopter ride. Maybe this summer. I want to go across the entire country by helicopter.

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