Designed in Florence, Italy by David Dewar McMillan and made from parts around the world, "Made on Earth for David and Scotti" embodies casual elegance for the modern day woman. This collection is dedicated to the magical powers of the human hand, knotting and braiding leather to exceptional shapes and styles utilizing ancient manual techniques of indigenous origins. This is such an adorable bag, the ruching, the shape, it's just so squeezably cute. I also love the elongated handles, Kelly will love it too as she is always complaining that bag handles are getting so short she can't put them over her shoulders anymore. The only place I've been able to find a large collection of David and Scotti bags is This is a bag from the new season so you'll have to check the site often to catch it when it launches. $475 (when was the last time you saw a bag worthy of purchase under $500?)