but rumor has it — and a tell all book for that matter claim that a lack of condom’s prevented the hookup.
I bet Madge was kicking herself ten ways to Sunday over that one!
You know, I still think John F. Kennedy Jr. was quite possibly the most handsome man of all time!
In “**American Legacy**,” one of JFK Jr.’s closest pals from Brown University, Rob Littell, tells author C. David Heymann that during the summer of 1988, Kennedy and the Material Girl stopped off at a “cheap, dinky” Chicago hotel for a secret rendezvous during which they planned to finally go all the way.
“They were working their way around the bases, and as they rounded third and headed for home, she asked him if he had any protection. He didn’t, so now they began discussing how they were going to get a hold of a prophylactic,” Littell tells the author.
“She was still legally married to Sean Penn, and he had a steady girlfriend . . . They were afraid of being busted. They couldn’t very well just meander into a pharmacy and ask for a pack of Trojans. They were too well known . . . To John’s great chagrin, the relationship was never completed.”
Via pagesix
Tags: jfk jr, john f kennedy, madonna, madge, material girl
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