Jessica Alba Shills Surfer

By Consuela

Jessica Alba Shills Surfer

Jessica Alba has been out in full force lately, stopping by TRL and doing all kinds of interviews, all in the name of promotion for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. She's said to be leaving for England soon to kick off the Euro end of the tour.

And while Jessica is down-right hot, and self-deprecation can be kind of appealing, she's been going overboard lately. Probably because her self-deprecation is laden with disguised self-promotion.

For instance, in an interview with Australia's Herald Sun, when asked if she still felt inexperienced, she replied, "Not even close. I’ve been doing this since I was 12 and I’m 26. I feel old actually, on set, even with people who are older than me, people who started working in their mid-20s."

And she plans to go on "holiday" after all the promos - is she British?

Before that she told Parade, "Most days I wake up and look in the mirror and go, ‘ugh.’ I don’t really think I look all that great."

And to GQ:

The six movies she has coming out could help movie execs, "as she wryly puts it, in 'getting past my hotness.' Because ridiculous as it sounds, her hotness has apparently closed a few doors. 'Right now,' she says, 'I’m just exploring what my contribution to this business is

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