Jessica Alba is not afraid of the one night stand or breaking the stigma of girls having more than one partner.
She told Cosmopolitan magazine:
"I just wanted to see what it was like to be with different people. I don't think a girl's a slut if she enjoys sex.
"I could have a one-night stand, and I'm the kind of girl who looks over in the morning and is like, 'Do you really have to be here?' I don't need to cuddle and do all that stuff because I know what it is and I don't try to make it more.
"I feel like a lot of women try to make it into more, so they don't feel so bad about just wanting to have sex. I don't really have a problem with just wanting sex. Never have.
"Even when I was a virgin and wanted to marry the first guy who I slept with, I never passed any judgments about that. But now I'm done with dating around."
I'm sure there are many, many men who would be happy to leave the next morning without waking you.
Source: Bizarre Online