J Sisters New York City

By Jackie

J Sisters New York City

Instruments of torture
Originally uploaded by dynamist.

Yeah, I know I'm hardly the first girl on earth to make the pilgrimage to J Sisters in New York. But I feel I must mark the occasion, which happened last week, with a blog post.

First, I got a full leg and bikini wax by Melissa. I went for the Hollywood, which...Well, what is there to say about that? I'm sick of hearing psychobabble about women who go totally bare, all of which overlooks the fact that we may just prefer to be extremely tidy town there. As Melissa said when I grimaced for the thousandth time, "Just remember, it's all worth it in the end." (I actually find having my calves waxed to be much, much more painful than any other below the waist waxing.)

I then got my eyebrows done by Fatima upstairs. Fatima rocks! And she has the celebrity customer autographs to prove it. She's just such a gentle, lovely woman, and her little studio has the perfect atmosphere - calm, relaxing, and fragrant. Fatima first trimmed and threaded the tops of my brows, waxed underneath, and finally finished up with a little plucking. I'd recently tidied my own brows, so this took no longer than ten minutes. I can't describe to you how much more confident I feel wearing my best possible brows, and that's exactly what Fatima created for me.

My friends and I are planning a girly weekend in New York, and J Sisters will figure very prominently. You know what they say: The friends who depilate together stay together!

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