Isaiah Washington was told his character would not be returning to Grey’s Anatomy a couple weeks back. At first he was mad, but now insists “they fired the wrong guy.” Isaiah says while it’s true he called T.R. Knight a “faggot”, it is Knight who should have been fired. Us Magazine explains,
In a telephone interview with the Houston Chronicle, Washington claims that it was Knight who propagated the idea that the slur was targeted at him and created a negative work environment.
Washington also told the Chronicle that he believes Knight, 34, likely wanted a salary increase and a more substantive role for his character.
Knight, who acknowledged that he was gay after the incident, later said on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that Washington used the epithet against him. “Everyone (on the set) heard it,” he said.
“That’s a lie,” says Washington, a Houston native. “I used the word during a disagreement with Patrick. I apologized for that. We shook hands and went back to work.”
Those gays are sly ones I tell ya. One time a guy told me he’d gladly pay me Tuesday for a hamburger today — it was Thursday — and I fell for it. Turns out he was gay. Connection? I think so.
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