Ovih 17 pitanja će vam reći je li se čovjek oženi se...


Unfortunately, most of your relationships will fail. Only one will last forever, and that's if you're lucky. To make sure you marry the right person, here are a few questions that'll tell you whether or not you're dating the person meant for you:

1 Are You Comfortable around Him?

Kada ste u blizini tvog dečka, bi trebao biti na jednostavnost. On ne bi trebao se osjećate neugodno u bilo koji način, oblik ili oblik.

2 Do You Both Want Children?

If you disagree on whether or not you should have children, then you probably shouldn't be together. One of you will end up getting your way, and the other will end up resentful.

3 Do You Want to Live in the Same Place?

If he wants to live in Europe, and you insist on staying in America, you have a problem. If you don't have the same vision of the future, things probably won't work out.

4 Do You Trust Him?

If you're worried that he might cheat on you, you shouldn't be dating him. You need to find someone you can trust 100%.

5 Is He There Whenever You Need Him?

The right man for you won't leave you out to dry. He'll be by your side, no matter when or where you need him.

6 Will He do His Fair Share of Work?

You should be with a man who treats you like an equal. If he expects you to do everything around the house while he sits on the couch, he has another thing coming.

7 Does He Treat You with Respect?

If he talks down to you or makes you feel stupid, dump him. The right man for you will make you feel more special than you ever have before.

8 Do You Agree on How to Raise a Child?

Čak i ako želite imati djecu, ima još morate dogovoriti. Ako želite podići dijete na neki način i on želi da ga podići na potpuno drugačiji način, ćete lupam glavom često zajedno.

9 Can You Stand His Friends and Family?

You don't have to love his friends and family. However, you're going to need to deal with them. If you can't stand them, then you shouldn't be together.

10 Are You Getting Bored of Him?

Relationships aren't always going to be exciting. However, if you're so bored of him that you're thinking about leaving him already, imagine how much worse you'll feel in the future.

11 Do You Agree on How to Handle Finances?

Ako želite uštedjeti novac za kuću, ali on puše mu plaću čim on ih dobiva, nećete biti sretni. Financijskim sporovima su najveći uzrok razvoda.

12 riješite sve vaše borbe?

It's normal for couples to fight. However, if you don't resolve the fights you have, there's going to be an even bigger problem down the road. You should only be with him if you're able to compromise.

13 Do You Have a Healthy Sex Life?

Seks nije najvažnija stvar na svijetu, ali je definitivno važno. Ako ne imati zdrav seksualni život, ne možete imati zdrav odnos.

14 Is He an Alcoholic?

If he's an alcoholic or a drug user, you should think before you marry him. You don't want his dangerous habits to rub off on you.

15 Are You Both Ready for Marriage?

If you're not ready to take such a big step, you should wait. You don't want to rush into things.

16 Are You Madly in Love with Him?

Ne udati za novac ili zato što tvoji roditelji žele vjenčati. Samo oženi ga ako si luda za njim.

17 Can You Imagine Spending Forever Together?

If you can't, then why would you want to marry him? It's supposed to be a lifelong commitment.

Make sure you ask yourself these questions before you say yes to his proposal. Do you think you've found the man that you're going to marry?
