Harbor Beauty Bar

By Christina

Harbor Beauty Bar is a prestige beauty boutique, located in Rockland, Maine, that is owned and operated by Gail Gordon (a former Macy’s executive) and her sister. This is a unique startup because it is not located in a largely metropolitan / competitive area for prestige brands. My guess is that they are going to rely heavily on online sales, and they just so happen to have a nice web site if you don’t happen to be near Rockland (like me - I couldn’t be further away, almost). They carry lots of brands already (Fredrick Fekkai, Clinique, Bliss, Dolce, Burberry) and many more on the horizon. The setting of the store is just gorgeous (here is another pic with the launch article from WWD - looks like tons of fun!), if you are anywhere near them, please stop by and say hello and have fun with all of the samples! If you aren’t close by, then browse their online store. And let me know if you have shopped at HBB, I would love to know how the store is, it looks just beautiful - and I am always interested in your online shopping experiences as well, so let me know, ok?

© Christina Jones for eBeautyDaily - The Beauty Blog, 2007. |
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