Give Hilary a Piece of Your Mind on Youtube

By cupcate

Give Hilary a Piece of Your Mind on Youtube

Starting next Wednesday, both red and blue Presidential candidates will be given a weekly spotlight on Youtube's News and Politics website to blab on and on about why we should vote for them. The only interesting part of this, is that Youtubers will be given the opportunity to give their own video responses. This is an extension of the "You Choose '08" initiative that allowed the White House hopefuls to showcase their campaign videos on the web. The first candidate on the chopping block is former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, whose video question is, "What do you believe is America's single greatest challenge and what would you do to address it?" It's even reported that some of the candidates have created profiles on social networking sites like Myspace.

While that's all well and good, I think this could either be a really productive experiment, or turn really ugly. Discussing politics brings out the worst in people, so giving people free range to respond to the future President of the United States should make everyone a wee bit nervous. Mitt Romney says, "I'll do my best to watch as many as I can and respond to them." However, I wonder how he'll respond to a million "OMG!!1!! You the dumbst candydate! I WOOD NEVA VOTE 4 U! EVA!!1!" comments...

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