I loooove finding good beauty retailers on the web; here's one for your consideration: **Bombshell Bargains**. The prices are fab, and if you're in the US, keep in mind that they're quoted in Canadian dollars, so you're getting an even better deal.
The site also markets a few of its own goodies, and I got my paws on a bottle of the **Bombshell hand & body lotion** in Calendar Girl. Good grief, this is thick for a pump lotion - which is most certainly a good thing. Don't you hate it when you pump out lotion and find that it's thin and drippy? Bombshell feels thick and creamy, almost the consistency of stiff frosting. And you know what's coming next - this one's for all you "foody" bath & body lovers - it smells like frosting too. Good, homemade buttercream, not Betty-Crocker-in-a-can-AKA-flavored-Crisco. Excellent.
Even though "icing" scented body lotions aren't really my thing, I've become slightly addicted to this one since it joined my collection. So when you're checking out the Bargains over at Bombshell, do pick up a bottle of their signature lotion as well.
Some deals I spotted:• Chanel Glossimers for $22 CAD• The infamous Dessert Beauty glosses for $10 CAD• MAC Fluidlines for $14 CAD• Lancome Juicy Tubes for $15 CAD
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