All Women's Talk

7 séances d'entraînement plus efficaces pour serrer votre Derriere dans une semaine...

Fatigué d'une extrémité arrière plate, saggy ? Gravité et une mauvaise alimentation peuvent le faire, mais parfois c'est tout simplement la génétique ou la façon dont vous êtes construit. Heureusement, il y a beaucoup de séances d'entraînement efficaces qui peuvent serrer, tonalité et soulevez vos fesses. Vous devrez rester avec elle, mais avec le temps, que vous obtiendrez les résultats dont vous rêvez. Vous pourriez même démarrer voir résultats positifs dans une semaine ou deux à l'aide de ces entraînements suivants. Préparez-vous pour le corps que vous voulez !

Table of contents:

  1. cinq minutes Workout
  2. Five Day Workout Plan
  3. Victoria’s Secret Angel Butt
  4. The Kim Kardashian Butt Workout
  5. 8 Minutes to a Firm Butt
  6. No Equipment Workout
  7. Butt Secrets

1 cinq minutes Workout

Suffit de quelques minutes pour travailler sur vos fesses ? Cette vidéo est la pour vous. Il vous conduit à travers une série de mouvements qui promettent de serrer les fesses et le rendre fière allure dans l'un de vos vêtements. La jeune fille dans la vidéo est facile à comprendre et son corps vous motivera.

2 Five Day Workout Plan

Want that booty by the end of the week? Watch this and you could get exactly what you want. This is Day 1 of the plan, with the remaining four days following. To get what you want, you must do each of the workouts. You’ll see results in just a few days, but you should continue with the workout to keep your progress on track.

3 Victoria’s Secret Angel Butt

Those Victoria’s Secret models sure look good, don’t they? While there is no promise that you’ll be as toned and firm in just one week, following the plan these girls do will boost confidence and get you started in just one week.

4 The Kim Kardashian Butt Workout

Want what Kim’s got? You have to admit that she looks pretty good most of the time. In this video, she shares all her secrets and tricks to getting that booty that makes her famous. Once you start seeing what this workout can do for you, you’ll want to make it part of your regular routine.

5 8 Minutes to a Firm Butt

Surely you have 8 minutes to dedicate to transforming your back end. Use this video at home or on the go and in just a few minutes per day, you’ll start seeing a firmness and a tightening that you will love. You are not going to regret getting started with this workout. It’s awesome!

6 No Equipment Workout

You don’t have to have any special equipment to get the behind you want and this video proves it. It outlines how to use your own body and things you have at home to give you the tightness and lift that you want. You’ll love this one, I promise!

7 Butt Secrets

This video is going to let you in on a little secret. Actually, it’s a pretty big one. It’s how to get the bigger, more lifted booty that you want. And all you have to do is follow this routine to start seeing results. It’s fun too!

How do you work your rear end? I like the old squat and lunge routine, but I’m definitely going to give these a try too. Which one do you want to try first?

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