Wow ! Citron peut faire des Miracles sur vos cheveux...


Quand il s'agit de soins capillaires, le citron humble est un précieux petit faiseur de miracle. Si vous voulez augmenter leurs votre routine de soins de cheveux sans laisser tomber une charge d'argent sur des produits haut de gamme Voici comment.

1 faits saillants

Au lieu de teindre vos cheveux, vous pouvez mettre en évidence ces jolis brins de manière simple. Simplement tremper une boule de coton dans le jus de citron, placez-le sur les brins souhaitée en surbrillance et glissez-le doucement vers le bas. Répétition il à quelques reprises pour voir les effets. Cela peut être une des façons plus simples pour éclaircir vos cheveux.

2 Scrub

Profitez d'un gommage de citron. C'est un excellent moyen pour retirer l'accumulation persistante des résidus de produits coiffants. Ces matériaux peut rendre vos cheveux se sentir lourd. Obtenir la moitié d'un citron frais et trempez-le dans le sel. Maintenant, il frotte très doucement dans votre cuir chevelu pour se débarrasser de toute accumulation de matières dangereuses.

3 Hair Growth

Are you always on the lookout for an effective way to grow your hair longer, more quickly? Go get a few lemons and some castor oil. Prepare a solution by mixing lemon juice and castor oil in equal quantities. Apply it directly into the roots of your hair to promote hair growth.

4 pellicules

You may have already tried a number of ways to get rid of dandruff, but the chances are you're still looking for a better solution. Simply use lemon on your hair! Take a lemon and rub it over the scalp to get rid of dandruff. Doing this will also make the roots stronger. This will also prove beneficial as a way to treat itchy scalp. Be sure to repeat it only once a week to prevent breakage of your hair.

5 Stronger Hair

Are you concerned about hair loss? You can strengthen your hair by using a solution of henna, egg yolk, and lemon. Use it with your regular shampoo but be sure to apply towards the scalp to have stronger and shinier hair. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

6 cheveux

Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey, and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil together to make your very own hair shine mask at home. This mixture will work better than most haircare products you find in the stores. Apply the mixture directly onto your scalp and massage for a few minutes. Then, soak the rest of your strands with the mixture and leave it there for half an hour. Now, rinse it off and use shampoo if you want.

7 déboucher les follicules

Dealing with oily hair can become quite annoying at times. No matter what you do, you cannot seem to get rid of that excess oil. You have oily hair because of your clogged hair follicles, so you have to do something to unclog them. Again, lemons will help! Simply make a mixture by adding a tablespoon of lemon juice to a tablespoon of egg white and apply it to your oily scalp. Leave it there for half an hour and wash it off with water.

Your hair will thank you and you will soon be singing the praises of lemons. These are jolly good reasons to always throw lemons in your shopping cart, don’t ya think?
