Eye Care What You Should Know ...

By Marica2 Comments

Eye Care What You Should Know ...

No matter how much makeup you put on them or how much you workout with your cosmetics, if your eyes look tired or lack luster it will show. Let’s see some simple notes here to concern on take care of your eyes :

Always be alert for symptoms of vision problems or visual stress including blurred vision, frequent headaches, difficulty reading, tired or burning eyes, or doing close work, or difficulty with distance vision.

Don’t forget to wear proper safety eye wear when doing things like using power tools, playing sports like basketball, badminton, karate or kick boxing.

Take a break for rest from visually demanding tasks and from the computer screen.

Wearing a proper sunglasses then outdoors is good enough by include ultraviolet radiation protection in all eye wear.

Make a schedule for your comprehensive eye health and vision exam every 12 to 18 months to ensure your correct eyesight. Especially if you wear a corrective lenses.

Sunlight and Eye Care
Many scientific research have been studying the long term effects of sunlight on human eye. The research shown a relationship between the eyes that are unprotected from the sun’s rays and conditions of the eyes such as cataracts (the clouding of the focusing lens inside the eye) and macular degeneration (results in a permanent loss of central vision).

The professionals of eye care will always recommended year-round use of proper sunglasses to block the potentially harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Nutrition for Eye Care
Like any other part of our chemical body, eyes also require specific vitamins and minerals to maintain it’s optimum health and function. Patients with several eyes diseases may benefit from daily dietary supplements of “antioxidant” vitamins that include: Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Check this list of foods that contain high amounts nutrients for eyes :
Zinc, available from sunflower seeds, ricotta cheese, lentils, spinach, green leafy vegetables.
Selenium, from shrimp, Brazil nuts, eggs, garlic, flounder.
Vitamin A from carrots and carrot juice, winter squash, sweet potato, spinach
Vitamin C from citrus fruit, guava, orange juice, cantaloupe
Vitamin E from wheat germ, eggs, peanuts, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, corn oil

Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses Myth
The most common myth about wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses is that wearing them too much could make your eyes lazy or weak. This is absolutely NOT true. The main goal of a prescribed vision correction depends on two things. First is to provide CLEAR eyesight. The second is equally important but less obvious: to provide effortless visual ability.

Many eyes see clearly without vision correction, but they may achieve this clarity by exerting unnecessary effort. And if your eyes routinely exert unnecessary focusing effort to see you may experience unnecessary fatigue, symptoms of eye discomfort and loss of vision. Wearing a properly prescribed lens correction will not in any way hasten the natural and expected changes your eyes will undergo throughout your lifetime.

Article from: womendiary.net

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