Hacer cambios en tu vida tiende a ser un proceso gradual y continuo. Rara vez logramos cambios repentinos y dramáticos. Pero ¿qué pasa si estás impaciente y quieres ver resultados durante la noche? Aquí hay algunas cosas que puedes hacer hoy que harán una diferencia en tu vida mañana...
1. claro que el desorden
¿Ha usted tiene el hábito de usar tablas como las áreas de almacenamiento, o apilados cosas en lugar de guárdalos? Empezar a despejar un poco el desorden visible en su casa y en tu escritorio. Estar en un ambiente ordenado nos permite pensar más claramente y sentirse más centrado. Deshacerse de su desorden y usted inmediatamente sentir mejor - y saber dónde están las cosas!
2. Be Nice to Someone
Cuando estás tratando con alguien más, ser impaciente o negativa de alguna manera les hará a responder del mismo modo. Sin embargo molesta eres, trata de ser agradable y ver si se obtiene un mejor resultado. De hecho, sólo trata de ser agradable a todos los que conoces. Le alegran el día de todos, y te espero que van a ser positiva a otras personas.
3. Reach out
Have you been meaning to get in touch with a relative or old friend? Don't put it off any longer. Call them and make arrangements to meet up if you live locally. You'll feel good that you finally got in contact, and it could revive your friendship. Or reach out to someone who's having a bad day, and make them feel that little bit better.
4. Stop Wasting Time on the Internet & Social Media
Are you a social media addict? Add up how much time you spend on these sites; I guarantee it's a lot longer than you think. Set yourself a limit for how much time you'll spend, and block these sites if you find it hard to resist. You'll immediately free up so much time for other, more worthwhile ways of spending your time.
5. Clear up Straight Away
If you're tired, it's tempting to leave dishes and other chores for another day - but the problem is that they soon pile up. Then you feel even less like dealing with them! However little you feel like it, clear up straight away; you'll feel happier waking up to a clean and tidy house.
6. Be Positive
Try to cultivate the habit of being positive; it's something that you can actually train your mind to do. It'll really make a difference if you can 'look on the bright side' wherever possible; you'll find that it helps gets you into a more upbeat mindset. Decide that you're not going to let things annoy you - this will help you deal with irritations much better.
7. Move Your Body
Do you lead a very sedentary life? Most of us do these days. So get up and move your body - as soon as you've finished reading this! Movement helps stop us getting too stiff, and gets our energy flowing. Stretch, take a short walk, dance round the room - anything that will flex your body. You'll feel the benefits straight away, so make a conscious effort to move every day.
Small changes can make a big difference very quickly, so start the new you today! Resolutions aren't just for the New Year - what would you like to achieve in the next 12 months?