Elizabeth Arden's Intervene 3-in-1 Daily Cleanser

By Christina

Elizabeth Arden's Intervene 3-in-1 Daily Cleanser

Welcome to a new year and new products on the market! This is the Intervene 3-in-1 Daily Cleanser/Exfoliator/Primer, by Elizabeth Arden. This is brand spanking new for 2007. I really love this line - I have become quite enamored with Elizabeth Arden this past year, and this is another product worthy of my amor. One of my favorite things about it is the scent. It is very clean and feminine without being overwhelming at all. I know that is goofy going off about the scent of a cleanser, but it is truly what strikes me every single day when I use it. It smells great.

How does it work, you might want to know… LOL It works great too. It has just enough exfoliating granules in it that make it very usable in a standard everyday cleanser, so it isn’t too rough. It seems to cleanse very thoroughly, and in no way makes my super sensitive skin break out. The cleanser is designed to also be a toner type product, leaving your skin balanced and “primed” for moisturizer. And did I mention it smells incredibly good? This is available at your local Elizabeth Arden counter or if you are an online shopper like me, at Beauty.com , for $20 for a 5 oz tube.

Stay tuned for info on the lotion and cream, the other two parts to the Intervene system. I am going to make a resolution now to keep my posts a tad bit shorter instead of rambling on forever. Ha ha.

beauty, Beauty News, product reviews, skin care

© Christina Jones for eBeautyDaily - The Beauty Blog, 2007. | Permalink | 2 comments

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