Drunk Dialer ...

By The

Drunk Dialer ...

Date: December 2005
How we met: At my local pub. I don't pay for drinks there, and was in rare form after completing my term at school. Lots of stupid stories from that night, with the result being I end up meeting Drunk Dialer.

Previous flirtations: Email and phone. The phone conversations included one in which I was driving and about to leave a message on his voicemail. Me being me, I totally forgot I had an earpiece in and was connected to a machine of another human being. When a woman tried to cut me off, I said, "Yeah...bring it, bitch" under my breath. CLASSY. I quickly called back and apologized when I realized my gaffe.
What we did:
Drunk Dialer originally wanted to meet at a particular Starbucks in Boston. I asked him if I would be able to park there. He said, no, it would be tough, and started explaining the T route. I asked were he lived, and sure enough, it was right around the corner from the damn Starbucks. Not an auspicous start.

I am old and crochety enough to where I automatically said, "Why don't we meet somewhere in between where you and I live instead of right behind your apartment?" So we ended up meeting at a brewery between our domiciles.

I was not looking forward to the date after the whole little location thing, but I ended up having a great time. I had scheduled my parents to come have dinner at 6pm, three hours after our 3pm date started, and barely made it over. We each had three beers, and conversation flowed smoothly. We also got to see the Chargers end the Colts' win streak. Yay!

Nickname: He called me, drunk, at 3am after only our second date.
FDS: 6.5 out of 10
How long it lasted: Three dates. I broke up with him when he told me he thought W was doing a great job. C'mon, man! Even the staunchest Republicans aren't blind enough to say that. And when I did, he told me that was like him breaking up with me because I'm Jewish. I told him I'm not anti-republican, just anti-unobservant-people.

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