21 Möglichkeiten, ihn zu verjagen, dich zu jagen⬅️= Anstatt ihn zu jagen ...


Müde von der Jagd zu tun? Es ist Zeit um ihn jagen Sie haben den Spieß umdrehen. Du bist die Definition von Cool also warum auch nicht er?! Wenn Sie nach Möglichkeiten suchen, ihn zu jagen Sie, hier zu erhalten wie:

1 aufhören Sie, die Jagd

Diese Taktik kann zu jedem Zeitpunkt in einer Beziehung, von den Anfängen bis in eine Ehe gut verwendet werden. Wenn Sie möchten den Status Quo zu ändern und Wege finden, um ihn zu jagen Sie statt Sie jagen ihn zu erhalten, ist es absolut machbar. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist Stop. Stoppen Sie ihn jagen. Bevor die Flut verwandelt, aber wenn er sicher sein, dass kümmert Sie, verwandelt er sich möglicherweise ein wenig lahm.

2 Pull Back

Sometimes you not only need to stop what you are doing in chasing him but you need to give him some distance and space to work with. Be patient and see what happens. It can actually be quite exciting to see what he will do when you pull back. Pulling back means that you allow him to miss you and that you don’t make it your responsibility to take control for every interaction and communication. You may just be pleasantly surprised.

3 Flirt

This is a very fun way to get him to chase you. Flirting is a great way to get his attention and make him want to pursue you. There are a thousand ways to do this, at least. You can tease him but make him do the work here. Most guys like the chase element of a relationship and tend to be much more interested when they are allowed to do that.

4 Remember That Neediness Repels

The average man does not like a woman that is needy. Making demands of what you want from him will not make him chase you and he very well may run. Additionally, whining to get the attention you want will be like nails on a chalkboard to him. If you think about it, when you see a woman that is very needy, it probably repels you too. No-one ever wants to be like that.

5 Be Confident

Your confidence is most likely the top personality trait that makes you attractive to your guy. There is something about a woman that is self-assured that men find irresistible. Being confident is something that you have to work at. Know who you are and know your worth. Make him work for the prize of you a little bit.

6 Play Hard to Get

This is an old, old trick but it is still around because it works. You don’t want to be too easy of a prize to achieve. Don’t answer the phone on the first ring. Make him wait just a few minutes while you finish getting ready for a date. Most importantly, have standards and actually be hard to get. When you do this, you will be the one that ends up with the prize, a man of integrity.

7 Be Busy

This one is to be handled carefully. You don’t want to be too busy. However, you need to have a life and let him know that you do. Letting him be your whole world isn’t good for him or for you. This will only make you more attractive to him.

8 Have Patience

Nothing happens overnight. Like I said, there may be a bit of a standstill before the tide turns. Patience is a virtue, my friends! Give it some time and you'll have him crawling after you!

9 Be Mysterious

This ties in with #7 (Be Busy). Be coy about how you're spending all your free time - let him wonder! If he's curious, he'll start paying more attention to you. Unpredictability is exciting and you'll have him going out of his way to chase you!

10 Claim Your Own Life

While you're waiting for things to change, take control of your own life. Now that you have so much free time, take up a new hobby! Start going out with your friends and just enjoy your life! Put YOU first!

11 If All else Fails, Cut Your Losses

Alright, so things aren't working out. If he hasn't come around, maybe he's just not interested. It's time to cut your losses and realize that you're better off without him!

There are definite ways you can get him to chase you. What tricks have you used to achieve this? I can’t wait to read your comments!

This article was written in collaboration with editor Vanessa Salles.
