All Women's Talk

17 彎曲的女孩殺害它在 Instagram 上 📷...

無論是你的個人風格還是看,你一定會找到時尚 inspo 在 Instagram,和我的大部分來自幾個特別是婀娜的博主只是殺了,每一天。你需要以下,現在這些彎曲的女孩是誰?讀下去,並準備看看究竟什麼"殺死它"真正意思。

Table of contents:

  1. Tanesha 阿瓦斯蒂
  2. 萊特梅森
  3. 凱莉索普
  4. 貞節加納情人節
  5. 喬治娜
  6. 瑪麗 · 德內
  7. Ragini Nag 饒
  8. 埃裡森騰
  9. Gabi 葛列格
  10. Tess Munster (Holliday)
  11. Teer Wayde
  12. Isha Reid
  13. Nadia Aboulhosn
  14. Kellie Brown
  15. Kobi Jae
  16. Miz Liz
  17. Ashley Rose

1Tanesha 阿瓦斯蒂

這海灣地區博主股票 OOTD 照片,以及一些很有趣的生活方式投籃 — — 我想要她的衣櫃和她可愛的兒子 !


我很喜歡 Nicollette 的風格 ︰ 非常女性化,很粉紅色。她桀驁不馴,分享她的衣服,但她也貼出很多生活的照片,太。


這嘉人專欄作家顯然帶領著幸福的生活,你可以清楚地看到,她 OOTD 股,尤其是在她拍攝和她的朋友。


彎曲 Con 的共同創造者,貞操股恒星時裝照片和大量的幕後,有樂趣的朋友的照片。


喬治娜的風格最好可以用一個詞概括 ︰ 卡哇伊。雖然她會分享很多的 OOTD 照片,喬治娜也給了我們一看裡面是她日常生活的可愛重載。

6瑪麗 · 德內

瑪麗的性感,華麗,,她不介意分享她的風格鏡頭 (和荷載的生活方式)。這是彎曲的一半是怎麼生活的。

7Ragini Nag 饒

從她的愛到她甜美的短髮,Ragini 是顏色的跟隨如果你愛所有事情老式的女孩。


這彎曲的卡利女孩風格不遺餘力,但我最愛是她的衣櫃是完全可以實現 ︰ 她穿著的衣服你可以買到任何地方。這是她怎麼能容忍他們都在一起,我需要好好學習。

9Gabi 葛列格

我要是甚至一盎司的 Gabi 的風格就好了。她是一個冒險家,無暇的和她使得它看起來很容易。

10 Tess Munster (Holliday)

Follow her at @tessholliday
You may know Tess already from her #EffYourBeautyStandards campaign, but if you're not following her for fashion inspo, do it now. You'll be so glad you did. Side note: her recent preggo pictures just kill me!

11 Teer Wayde

Follow her at @teerwayde
Teer is the vintage vixen pin-up girl you've always wanted to be, with the clothes, style, bod, and makeup you'll covet forever.

12 Isha Reid

Follow her at @pic_pixie
I just adore Isha's take on vintage style, and we have the same taste in books, so...

13 Nadia Aboulhosn

Follow her at @nadiaaboulhosn
Nadia's hair, makeup and OOTD are always on point, but she's also got a great sense of humor, so you'll want to give her a follow, too.

14 Kellie Brown

Follow her at @itsmekellieb
Am I more envious of Kellie's style (omg, her accessories!) or of her travel itinerary? Both. Definitely both.

15 Kobi Jae

Follow her at @kobi_jae
Kobi touts herself as a "Fa(t)shion Blogger" who demonstrates what "fat girls ACTUALLY wear." Her style is inspired by maybe Edward Gorey, with a little punk thrown in for good measure.

16 Miz Liz

Follow her at @bbwgeneration
I love that so many of the selfies she shares are just everyday, not styled or filtered to perfection. She's real... and I adore her!

17 Ashley Rose

Follow her at @thisisashrose
Ashley is always dressed to the nines, and it's the attention to the small details that make her outfits so enviable.

