Girs per fer fent més divertit...


Sempre és bo obtenir un petó de la seva parella. No obstant això, fent pot ser suau, si ho fas massa sovint sense canviar cap amunt de la seva rutina. És per això que vostè ha sacsejar les coses per a afegir nou material en la barreja. Si vostè no pot pensar en res divertit de fer, aquí són uns quants girs per fer més divertit fent:

1 posi un cub de gel a la boca

Majoria de les vegades, els llavis i la llengua sentirà molt calents. És per això que vostè ha sacsejar les coses fent esclatar un cub de gel a la boca abans de besar el seu home. Remolí al voltant per aconseguir la boca tot sentint congelats. D'aquesta manera, quan vostè besar-lo, va a sentir una sensació totalment nova. -Lo a enviar calfreds per la seva columna vertebral - en el bon sentit.

2 mastegar goma de mastegar amb gust abans de besar

Before you kiss him, you can chew on a delicious flavor of gum, or even a few of the same colored Skittles. When you finally lock lips, he'll taste what you've just tasted. Then he can guess what the flavor is. If he's wrong, then you have to keep kissing him until he can get it right.

3 Write Body Parts down on Dice

Grab some dice and some pieces of tape that you can place on each side of the dice. Write different body parts on those pieces of tape, and then roll the dice. Whatever body part you land on is the body part that you have to kiss on your partner. If you're not sexually active, remember to keep it G-rated by naming innocent body parts like the neck, the back of the hand, and the lips.

4 Sit Close without Touching

Making out will feel much more exciting when you're both eager to grab each other. That's why you two should sit so close that your lips are almost touching. Stay that way for as long as you can, and see who gives in first. Here's a secret: It doesn't really matter which one of you gives in, because the temptation is going to make that kiss hotter than ever for both of you.

5 Blindfold Yourself in the Middle of a Makeout

Most people close their eyes before kissing anyway, so this activity shouldn't feel too weird for you. All you have to do is grab a blindfold, or a scarf that can work as a blindfold, and tie it around your eyes. Not knowing when your partner is going to lean in for another kiss can really make you go wild.

6 veure quant temps vostè pot besar sense parar

It's time to challenge yourselves. You should get into kissing position and then see who can last the longest without stopping to pull away for air or to take their shirt off. The winner gets a compliment!

7 Put Chocolate on His Lips

Si teniu algun xocolata fondant, podeu posar-lo en els seus llavis i després llepar-lo d'ell. Per descomptat, si ets sexualment actives, pot posar que fos xocolata tot pit abans de llepar-se.

Your partner is going to love kissing you, no matter how often you do it. Of course, that shouldn't stop you from trying out these new techniques that can make your make out sessions even sweeter. What else have you done to make kissing more fun?
