Com dir si vostè troba atractiu...


Even though we're all unique, we have a lot in common, especially when it comes to attraction. No, we're not all attracted to the same type of people, but we certainly do show our attraction in the same way. That's why it's so easy to detect whether or not a guy is into you. However, if you feel like you're getting mixed signals, here are a few tricks that'll help you figure out if he finds you attractive:

1 His Pupils Dilate when He Looks at You

When someone sees something that they like, their pupils will dilate. It doesn't matter if they're looking at a cute puppy, a beautiful sunset, or your pretty face. If their eyes dilate, then it's guaranteed that they like what they see. Even if you don't notice your crush's pupils changing in size when he looks at you, if he's always staring at you, then there's a huge chance that he has a thing for you.

2 His Torso is Directed toward You

Pay attention to the way that his torso is facing, not the way that his head is facing. We tend to direct our bodies toward the part of the room we're most interested in. So if his torso is facing the door, he wants to leave. If it's facing you, then he might just want a kiss.

3 He Touches His Lips

Constantly touching his lips is another surefire sign that he wants a kiss. Even though his fingers are against his mouth, he really wishes that your lips were pressed against his. The same goes for when he applies ChapStick or licks his lips. If he's drawing attention to them, intentionally or not, then he's itching for some smooches.

4 He Mirrors Your Movements

Si un noi que li agrada el que veu, va a mirall els seus moviments. Si vostè inclinar acostar-se a ell, va a inclinar, massa. Si toca els cabells, va a tocar el cabell, també. Serà com busques en un mirall, perquè va a imitar tots els moviments que fan.

5 He Gives You an Eyebrow Flash

This is a tough one to spot, but it's an obvious sign of attraction. When a man first sets his sights on you, try to see if his eyebrows raise a bit. If he finds you attractive, he'll subconsciously flash his eyebrows up and down. The movement only lasts a moment, though, so keep your eyes open.

6 es pensa que ell mateix

Quan veus algú que li agrada, vol lluir bé per a ells, no? És el mateix amb els homes. Si s'adonen o no, es començarà a preening-se quan veuen algú que són atrets a. Es podria slick tornar els cabells, recollir la pelussa en les seves samarretes o ficar les samarretes.

7 He Finds Excuses to Touch You

Un home no toqui a menys que ell li agrada. Així si ell és sempre raspallar pestanyes perdudes de la cara i esprémer el seu braç com parla, ell té la hots per a vostè. Si voleu deixar-lo saber que t'agrada ell altra vegada, llavors respondre positivament als seus tocs. Vostè pot apostar que ell està pagant molta atenció a les seves reaccions per veure si vostè sent la mateixa.

No matter how sneaky a man thinks he is, he's actually giving his feelings away without even realizing it. Do you find yourself doing any of these things when your crush is around?
