While Sarah's making an undoubtedly distinguished appearance
at the New England Crime Bake, the Tarts are here to shamelessly plug the publication of BUBBLES ALL THE WAY. No kidding, it's a hoot of a read with a blockbuster ending. (If you're a mystery writer with a series character and you're wondering what you might be able to get away with---hooobaby, you need to read this book!)
To give you a taste, here's an excerpt.
Romantic Times made the book a Top Pick! which we would prove by linking to the review, but it's not available unless you subscribe to the magazine--and even if you do, getting the website to allow you to see the review is a task Margie was too busy to accomplish before her hot date last night. Ahem.
Anyway, isn't this a cool cover? So hip. So Tart-ish.
Don't forget: On Wednesday, we're holding a meeting of the Heart of Tartness Book Club and reading Elaine's HIGH HEELS ARE MURDER. So while you're in the mood for witty mysteries, pick up a copy of BUBBLES ALL THE WAY. Perfect for that pre-Thanksgiving weekend of relaxing reading. Next week we'll talk turkey.
Meanwhile: ">https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dbubbles%26fr%3Dyfp-t-501%26toggle%3D1%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr2%3Dtab-web&w=415&h=426&imgurl=https://www.ido-bridal.com%2FProductImages%2Fweddingsuppliesdirect%2Fbubbles%2Fbubbles.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://www.ido-bridal.com%2Findex.asp%3FPageAction%3DVIEWPROD%26ProdID%3D1295&size=31.8kB&name=bubbles.jpg&p=bubbles&type=jpeg&no=19&tt=304,187&oid=69bea8ed35c4551a&ei=UTF-8">