Blissfully Soft Feet

By Carla

Blissfully Soft Feet

I just spent the night with a new friend, Softening Socks from Bliss. I was in a bad mood last night and I decided to treat myself to these socks that I had been eying every time I set foot in Sephora.

These socks are different from your normal pair of moisturizing socks because they are gel lined and this actually traps the moisture in while you wear them. I slathered my feet with Philosophy's Soul Owner and hung out for awhile. The directions say you can wear them for 20 minutes to use them as a treatment or you can wear them overnight so I slept in them. When I took them off earlier this morning, my feet actually looked a bit like prunes. That just goes to show how powerful these socks actually are, 20 minutes was really all I needed. It is a bit awkward to walk in these socks, I kept thinking I was going to slip and fall but what's a little risk in exchange for soft, lovable feet? I didn't buy the co-ordinating Softening Sock Salve, I figured I had spent enough on this product already but I am sure that any variety of moisturizer would work in combination with these socks.

If I were to nitpick and find a complaint about this product, it would be it's price tag. This is why I waited so long before actually buying these socks. If I had enough patience to order something online and wait for it to arrive, I might have actually tried GeLuscious Booties instead. This product is half the price and I suspect it works the exact same way.

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