7 Benefits of Not Owning a TV ...

Meream Jul 12, 2011

7 Benefits of Not Owning a TV ...
7 Benefits of Not Owning a TV ...

Growing up, my sister teased me for being a huge TV girl. In fact, I used to race home from school every afternoon just so I can catch my favorite shows. But when I went away for college and I met the current love of my life, the world wide web, I realized that there are benefits of not owning a TV. Here are some:

1. No Time Wasted

No Time Wasted Photo Credit: Big Fat Rat

You know how it goes, you sit in front of the TV to watch one program and before you know it, it's almost midnight, and you have not accomplished a single thing you can be proud of for the night. One of the benefits of not owning a TV is that you will not feel your life draining away as you channel-surf.


TVs can be a major distraction from productive activities. Studies have shown that people who watch more than two hours of TV a day are more likely to be overweight or obese, have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, people who watch a lot of TV are less likely to be physically active, which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and poor overall health.

2. Talking to People

I have a theory that I am not a huge people-person today because of my love affair with the television when I was younger. But when I got rid of the TV, I had more time to interact with actual humans; I started talking to the neighbors, doing things with the boyfriend's nieces, and hanging out with my girl friends more.


TV watching has been linked to a range of negative health outcomes, including increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, research has shown that too much TV viewing can lead to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and poor sleep quality. Furthermore, TV viewing can lead to a decrease in physical activity, which can have an overall negative effect on mental and physical health. Finally, TV watching can lead to a decrease in quality family time, leading to increased stress and decreased emotional wellbeing.

3. More Space

More Space Photo Credit: Lubs Mary.

When I got rid of the TV, I was left with shelf space that made me truly excited. More space for my books, hooray!


TVs can be expensive and take up a lot of space in your home. By not owning a TV, you can save money and free up more space for other activities. For example, you can use the newly acquired space to create a cozy reading nook, a home office, or a craft room. Furthermore, without a TV, you can reduce your electricity consumption and help the environment. Additionally, not owning a TV may help you focus more on other activities such as reading, exercising, or spending quality time with family and friends.

4. Do/Create More

I don't think I'd have dressmaking frenzies if I still owned a TV. This is probably one of the benefits of not owning a TV that I really love. Aside from the fact that I am crafting more these days, having no TV in the house means that I can do actual work. Because let's face it, working from home is a lot harder with a TV in the house. With no TV, I also have more time to battle it out with our elliptical.


Another benefit of not owning a TV is that it can help reduce stress and improve mental wellbeing. Studies have shown that watching too much television can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Not having a TV in the house can help reduce these negative feelings and allow for more time to focus on activities that promote relaxation and mental clarity, such as yoga, meditation, and reading. Additionally, not having a TV can lead to better sleep quality as it eliminates distractions and reduces the temptation to stay up late watching shows.

5. More Money

More Money Photo Credit: https://www.lucarossato.com)

With no cable bills to settle every month, I enjoy more shopping money. When I added up the our monthly cable bills, I realized that a year's worth of payments can already give me 11 pairs of shoes! The total amount is also more than enough for a month's worth of groceries.


In addition to the financial benefits of not owning a TV, there are also health benefits. Studies have shown that watching too much television can lead to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and even depression. People who don't own a TV are less likely to be exposed to these risks. Furthermore, not having a TV can also give people more time to pursue healthier activities such as exercising, socializing, or reading. This can lead to improved physical and mental well-being.

6. Less Mess

Without a TV to distract me, I have more time to clean the apartment. This is a great thing, of course, because I am one of those people who will find the smallest excuse not to clean.


Not owning a TV can help a person save money on their electricity bill, as well as the cost of purchasing the television itself. Additionally, living without a TV can help reduce stress and distraction, leading to an overall calmer and more productive lifestyle. By eliminating a TV, a person can also free up more time to focus on hobbies, exercise, and connecting with family and friends. Finally, not owning a TV can help a person keep their living space clean and organized, since there is no physical object taking up space and creating clutter.

7. Own Time

Own Time Photo Credit: lastquest

Even though I no longer own a TV set, I still follow several shows. I watch them online or I buy the DVD and play it on my laptop. This means that I don't have to schedule my days according to when my favorite show is on air. I don't have to cut meetings short or feel that I'm missing out when I miss a single episode. I still watch TV but I do it on my own time. Without commercials yay!

I have personally experienced these benefits of not owning a TV. If you have more to add, I'd love to hear them!

Top Photo Credit: Sabino .

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