Bags and Bubbly with the Bag Snob ...

By Bag

Bags and Bubbly with the Bag Snob ...

Hi girls, you know I have been loitering around the Oscar boutique for a while now, there are just so many beautiful things to play with (gorgeous gowns, shoes and bags of course but did you know about the super fab home accessories like the luxurious double faced cashmere blankets? Serious heaven, serious! And have I told you about the line of Indian mughal diamond jewels Oscar has? To die!) so I thought it would be fun to get all of my friends together and have a party there! Luckily Oscar hearts me as much as I heart Oscar because like, it would be kind of crazy if I just showed up at the boutique with champagne and 100 friends you know what I mean? I think that is the kind of antics that get girls like Brittany and Paris arrested and you all know I am an upstanding citizen of society so that would not go over well with the hubby!

Anyhow, if you live in the Dallas area (or feel like jetting in), please join me for a glass of champagne and an exclusive preview of Oscar de la Renta's Fall 2008 Bags- yes, Oscar is sending the entire collection from his New York showroom just for us to play with! If you want to get your hands on a Goya bag, this is the time to come and reserve it! The event is on Thursday, March 27th from 1-4pm **at the **Oscar de la Renta boutique in North Park. LA girls need not fret, Kelly and I will both be at the Melrose store on May 20th to host another Bags and Bubbly party so we'll be able to hang out with you too!

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