B Glam Nominated for SIX Awards

By bglam

B Glam Nominated for SIX Awards

B Glam has been nominated for a whopping SIX Glam Network Blog Awards! I can't quite believe it! I've only been writing this blog a few months so to get this kind of recognition and support is just fantastic. It would also be GREAT if a UK based blog could win just one category! You'll see the B Glam logo in each of the following categories:• Fashion• Shopping• Best Overall Blog/Site• Daily Must Read• Best Design• Best New Blog/Site

If you've enjoyed visiting B Glam and have found some of the posts useful and informative then I would be so grateful for your vote. If you vote don't forget to leave a comment or email me at bglam@hotmail.com as I would really like to thank you personally!

To vote: Click on the 'Vote for Me' button located at the top of the right sidebar. You must register with Glam (will only take you a minute and gives you access to loads of great features on their site) and vote in all 14 categories for your vote to count - so feel free to vote for me in each of the six categories! Ha ha!Thank you for all your support in 2006. Voting closes on January 20.

I'm trying to sort out a few issues on the site at the moment. I've been notified that in some screen resolutions the font is way too small to read. Apologies to everyone who is experiencing this problem - it will be resolved soon. If anyone else has any other improvements they would like to point out please do contact me.

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