8 Ways to Improve Your Circulation ...

By Lyndsie

8 Ways to Improve Your Circulation ...

Poor circulation can be caused by a lot of things. If you have bad circulation, you should definitely see a doctor. It doesn’t always point to something dangerous or serious. Some people just have it, myself included. Cold hands, cold feet, stubborn cuts and scars: these are awful nuisances, but there are some things you can do to help. Here are 8 ways to improve your circulation.

1 Home Hydrotherapy

Home Hydrotherapy Photo Credit: Sam Thomas Photography

Alternating treatments of hot and cold can help you a lot. “Hydrotherapy” sounds like one of those expensive treatments you’ll have to pay a fortune for at a spa, but you can do it yourself right in your home – in your shower, in fact. Alternate between hot water and cold water – that’s all you have to do. The combination ultimately oxygenates your blood. In addition to improving your circulation, this method increases your energy. Just don’t be too extreme with the temperatures. It especially helps if you focus on the affected body part, so if you have a shower attachment, you can also go that route.

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2 Exercise and Activity

Exercise and Activity Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon

Staying active is a surefire way to keep your blood moving. Even walking regularly will do wonders. Increasingly, this is one of those things you have to really work to make time for, there’s so much to do every day, but it is worth the time it takes. It can relieve stress as well, give you more energy, and improve your life and your health in many more ways.

3 Eating Right

Eating Right Photo Credit: Scandblue

Incorporating the right foods into your diet can help a lot. Naturally, you should limit your intake of certain fats. Foods that are high in fiber will make your circulation better as well.

4 Stretching

Stretching Photo Credit: IronRodArt - Royce Bair

Exercising aside, doing daily stretching exercises can improve your blood flow too. There are many helpful stretches out there. Even standard arm circles or deep knee bends will do the trick. There are stretches that benefit your limbs, your spine, and even your neck.

5 Elevate Your Feet

Elevate Your Feet Photo Credit: sosij

Keeping your feet elevated is also helpful. You only need to do it a little bit of a time. Ideally, you can lie down in the floor and put your feet up on a couch, a chair, or a coffee table. This helps to oxygenate your feet, which will help if your feet are frequently cold.

6 Get a Massage

Get a Massage Photo Credit: Method Fitness

Massages are beneficial in many ways, not just in improving your circulation. They will aid in relaxation, which also helps, and they will get your blood flowing significantly. Taking time for yourself is good for you anyway, and this is a great way to relax and relieve stress.

7 Take Ginkgo Biloba

Take Ginkgo Biloba Photo Credit: Lodonnec

Gingko Biloba is another method that has many advantages. It works to generally improve the circulation of your blood in addition to improving and helping many other things. This includes memory. Some knowledgeable people even suggest that it can help with varicose veins. It acts as an anti-inflammatory as well.

8 Try Cayenne

Try Cayenne Photo Credit: benfRank: photography & design

I’ve seen a lot of interesting things said about cayenne. Evidently, it can help to regulate the flow of your blood and even acts as a stimulant for your heart. Most recommend a tincture of cayenne, and claim that it can even improve your metabolism.

All of these are simplicity itself to try, and won’t really cost you a dime. I’m generally a fan of learning how to improve your health for free. Do you have any at-home health tips?

Top Photo Credit: ..Looking Glass

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