8 Types of Popular Aquarium Fish ...

By Mercy

8 Types of Popular Aquarium Fish ...

An aquarium is a pleasure to have. It is a delight to watch fish grow to their full size, go through their mating rituals and give birth to new fry. Here are some of the types of popular aquarium fish that are easy to breed and lovely to watch.

1 Some of the Cyprinids

Some of the Cyprinids Photo Credit: Hayath

Cyprinids are Asian fish that belong to the family Cyprinidae and are closely related to the minnows and the carps. These are popular aquarium fish mainly because they are easy to take care of and are hardy, colorful and active. Some of the most popular Cyprinids are Barbs, Danios, Rasboras and White Cloud Mountain Minnow.

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2 Some Corydoras Catfish

Some Corydoras Catfish Photo Credit: K Kopp

While there are more than 140 species of Corydoras catfish, the ones that are most widely available are the easiest to keep in your aquarium. Some of these include the Skunk Cory, the Spotted Cory, the Leopard Cory, the Panda Cory, the Bronze Cory and the Bandit Cory.


A favorite among hobbyists, the Panda Cory stands out with its striking black patches over the eyes, resembling a panda bear. Meanwhile, the Bronze Cory—also known as the Green Cory—offers a shimmering metallic sheen that adds sparkle to any tank. Corydoras are social creatures, so it's best to keep them in groups to see their playful behavior and natural schooling instinct. They are also peaceful and can be paired with other non-aggressive community fish, making them perfect for a serene aquatic environment.

3 Some Types of Rainbow Fish

Some Types of Rainbow Fish Photo Credit: Arul Nathans

These are popular aquarium fish because they are extremely colorful, active and easily cared for. Some of the most popular Rainbow fish include Celebus Rainbows, Australian rainbows, Turquoise Rainbows and Boeseman’s Rainbows.

4 Some Types of Loaches

Some Types of Loaches Photo Credit: Lindsay Sorensen

Loaches are Asian fish that are distantly related to the Cyprinids. They have long bodies, are extremely hardy and are bottom feeders which make them very useful in keeping your tank clean. Some popular loaches include Clown Loach, Kuhli Loach, Skunk Loach and Yo-Yo Loach.

5 Some Types of Tetras

Some Types of Tetras Photo Credit: michelle.khuu

Tetras are from Central and South America and Africa. They are schooling fish and need acidic water to survive. Some of the most popular Tetras include Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Loreto Tetra, Red Phantom Tetra, Black Phantom Tetra and Flag Tetra.

6 Some Types of Cichlids

Some Types of Cichlids Photo Credit: greekadman

Cichlids are considered to be one of the most intelligent fish and are amongst the most popular aquarium fish. This is a very wide genus and includes a number of varieties like Dwarf Cichlids and Keyhole Cichlids which consist of a number of breeds.

7 Some Types of Anabantids

Some Types of Anabantids Photo Credit: The Verdster 1

Anabantids are also one of the popular aquarium fish because they are a pleasure to watch in their daily activities as well as in caring for their young. Some of the most popular Anabantids include the Siamese Fighting fish, the Paradise fish, and a number of varieties of Gourami fish.

8 Some Types of Livebearers

Some Types of Livebearers Photo Credit: montrachet62

Livebearers have long been considered to be one of the best choices for first fish. This group includes Guppies, Mollies, Platies and Swordtails. The most popular in this group are Black Molly, Sail-Fin Molly, Tuxedo Swordtail, Green Swordtails and Variegated Platy.

Most of the types of fish listed above are not only amongst the most popular aquarium fish, but also amongst the best choice for first fish. While you need to ensure that you create the right living conditions for the breeds you choose, you do not need a high level of expertise to maintain them.

Top image source: animalsandmore.net

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