8 Reasons to Try Making Your Own Clothes ...

By Alison3 Comments

8 Reasons to Try Making Your Own Clothes ...

I’ve dabbled a bit in sewing over the years, but have stuck to making simple items like bags and tablecloths. The reason is that the idea of making clothes has always seemed too complicated! Recently though I’ve been looking at some websites, which make it look much simpler, and I’m planning to have a go. Here are some reasons why making your own clothes is worth the effort.

1 Uniqueness

Uniqueness Photo Credit: Stacie Stacie Stacie

The uniformity of most clothing these days can be quite depressing, so if you like dressing in an original style, making your own clothes is ideal. You can be sure that you will not see someone else wearing the same garment!

Frequently asked questions

2 Fit

Fit Photo Credit: SWANclothing

Do you often find that one size is too small, and the other is too big? Or that sleeves are always too long? If you take up dressmaking, problems like these are a thing of the past. You can adapt the pattern so that the garment fits you perfectly – this is especially good if you’re short or tall!

3 Fun

Fun Photo Credit: laurabububun

Making your own clothes can be a lot of fun. Okay, so you might make some mistakes along the way, but that’s all part of learning and practising. Often, mistakes can be undone and you can try again. And if not, well you’ve learned something!

4 Fabric

Fabric Photo Credit: SWANclothing

Have you ever seen a garment in the shops, but don’t like the fabric it’s made of? Then make your own version! Look for a similar pattern (there are lots available online), and choose the fabric that you prefer. So you can make an outfit in the colour and material that you want.

5 Custom-made

Custom-made Photo Credit: kristenaderrick

Imagine how lovely it would be to have something that was made especially for you! Most of us can’t afford to pay dressmakers to fill our wardrobes, but we can do it ourselves. If you know exactly what you want, perhaps to match another garment, but can’t find it in the shops, simply get out your sering machine!

6 Satisfying

Satisfying Photo Credit: oxfamdiy

Learning sewing skills can be a bit frustrating at times (I’ve given up on a few pieces), but when you crack it it’s very satisfying. There is loads of advice on the internet, plus sewing classes, so why not have a go and see how good it feels when you put on the finished garment.

7 Useful

Useful Photo Credit: smcgee

Dressmaking is a really useful hobby. Let’s face it, we all need clothes, and you can never have enough of them! It’s a really practical way to spend your spare time, and if you have children you can adapt adult garments to make them clothes (they do grow so fast!).

8 Cheaper

Cheaper Photo Credit:Pretty Ditty

Admittedly, by the time you’ve bought fabric and all the bits and pieces, a hand-made garment can work out more expensive than a shop-bought item. However, there are ways to make it cheaper. Adapt an existing garment, raid your local thrift store, or use fabric that you already have.

If you’ve never tried making your own clothes, are you now inspired to have a go, and if you already do dressmaking, what garments have you made?

Top Photo Credit: Cláudia*~Assad

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