8 Movies That Don't Make My List ...

By Jordin5 Comments

8 Movies That Don't Make My List ...

With all of the great new DVD releases out there, it can be hard to decide which movie to watch first! No one likes wasting an evening with less than interesting or exciting flicks, so here are a few titles that I’ve watched and recommend skipping. Here are 8 movies that just don't make my list...

1 Cop-out

Bruce Willis has always been one of my favorite actors, especially after Die-Hard. But I was not very pleased to watch him in this movie, a supposed comedy about New York cops. It was quite boring and hard to follow. The film was poorly made in addition. You can add this to your skip list right away!

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2 Shutter Island

Leo DiCaprio was amazing in Titanic! But Shutter Island was another big let-down for me, I anticipated its release on DVD for months and then after spending my time watching it I was disappointed. The ending was very unsatisfactory and leaves you with a question in your mind. Not very professional in my eyes!

3 All about Steve

Whoa! This one was probably my biggest disappointment all year! Sandra Bullock is my absolute fave female actress ever, yet her performance in this very odd film with an even odder plot was the worst waste of my time. All in all, it was quite boring and very uninspiring. Not your best Sandra!

4 Fame

Honestly, movie producers need to leave High School Musical alone because I highly doubt anyone could ever top it. This movie was a cheap wanna-be version and it left me feeling like I threw away my time and money. The commercials advertising it really ham it up but don’t be fooled. You can do better than this!

5 Dear John

Ok, this movie drove me crazy with excitement when I first saw commercials for it back in January of this year! I went and bought it the day it was released to DVD. Wow, can anybody say MAJOR bummer? The way this movie ended greatly disappointed me beyond belief. Outside of being a very well made film and having all the right emotions, the whole plot itself was nicely themed and unfolded beautifully throughout the movie. But let me just say if you support our troops or if you have any family in the military, especially a husband or fiancé, you really don’t want to watch this one.

6 Brothers

I really can’t say anything bad about this movie because it was made very well and is quite accurate in all of its details about the war and POW’s. That’s what got me though. At the time I watched this movie, my boyfriend, now fiancé, was deployed overseas and this movie gave me nightmares for weeks after watching it. It paints a very realistic picture of what our soldiers go through AND what their wives and families face. I would recommend skipping this movie if you get emotional very easily or if you have family in the military. It is not for the weak!

7 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Photo Credit: Cine Fanatico

I love cartoons and always watch them when they come out. This one however, is not going to be on my re-run list for a rainy day! It had no point whatsoever and barely held my attention. I actually wouldn’t even recommend letting small children watch it because it doesn’t even have a “lesson” behind it like a lot of cartoons these days.

8 Juno

As a young person myself, I definitely have a lot to say about this movie and none of it is good. Besides the fact that this movie practically endorses teenage pregnancies, it supports the idea of giving up your child if you do get pregnant because of pre-marital sex. Given, yeah it’s a much better option than abortion, but whatever happened to encouraging abstinence and teaching our children sobriety? I would support the idea of totally vetoing this movie from your home entirely.

Being a movie buff myself I probably give Blockbuster most of their business on my own! But there are a lot of good movies out there. Sometimes you just have to go through a few duds to find them. Hopefully this list will save you a few wasted nights! Is there another must-AVOID movie I ought to have included on my list? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: solea

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