7 Ways to Go Paperless ...

By Jennifer

7 Ways to Go Paperless ...

Think of all the bits of paper you accumulate in a day, or in a week, or in a year… and how many of those get tossed in the recycling bin, or worse, just crumpled up and thrown away! Maybe it’s a better idea to stop collecting those little pieces of paper, and consider going paperless. No more bits of paper, no more hassle or clutter, and no more guilt! Not sure how to go paperless? Here are 7 ways to go paperless, at 7 different places…

1 At the Bank and ATM

At the Bank and ATM Photo Credit: EthnoScape

Most banks offer online banking, for free, which is secure, convenient, and paperless! You can also choose the option to receive your monthly statement via email instead of in the mail — which saves even more paper! — and you can choose not to get a receipt when you use the ATM… and save even MORE paper!

Frequently asked questions

2 At Work

At Work Photo Credit: SCSSAPICS

Let’s face it — most of the people in that weekly budget forecasting meeting aren’t going to read that ten-page report, and none of them have any interest in the cute monthly newsletter Betsy in the secretary pool puts together. Why not offer them as a PDF file in an email that people can print if they WANT to? Think of all the paper you’d save!

3 At the Bookstore

At the Bookstore Photo Credit: Drakeography

I love books. I mean, I REALLY love books! But if you’re truly on a mission to save paper, books are one way to cut back. I certainly don’t mean stop buying books! But instead of buying paper books, you can download e-books… or even just buy used books…

4 At Your Child’s School

At Your Child’s School Photo Credit: Christopher Futcher

If you have more than one child at the same school, consider asking the school to start an “oldest only” policy, so that only the oldest child in each family brings home copies of the printed menu, newsletter, and other announcements. This will not only save paper, but it will also save the school money!

5 At Your School!

At Your School! Photo Credit: Ryan Brenizer

If you’re going to college, find out if it’s possible to buy electronic copies of your textbooks or ancillary works, or again, just buy used textbooks. Also, opt for online classes (which generate a lot less paperwork in the form of syllabi, notes and exams that have to be printed and handed to each student), or simply choose profs you know already use electronic notes.

6 At the Grocery Store

At the Grocery Store Photo Credit: Molly | Orangette

Paper or plastic? Neither! Opt instead for a reusable tote bag. And ask the cashier if it would be possible for her machine NOT to print those annoying coupons when you check out… unless you’re one of the three people on the planet who actually use those $5 off 18 boxes of cereal vouchers!

7 At Parties

At Parties Photo Credit: Cooriander

A big gift that comes in a box, is wrapped in yards of wrapping paper, and comes with a card in an envelope? That’s a LOT of paper! Why not give an electronic gift card, or at least just a traditional gift card, or a smaller gift without all of the packaging and wrapping… kids and adults both love gift cards, and a gift like that saves a lot of paper!

See? It’s possible to make small changes and save a lot of paper! And most of the time, saving paper also means saving money… and who doesn’t want to do that? Do you have any other tips on saving paper? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: Ma-Belly

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