7 Ways to Create an Interesting Bath ...

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7 Ways to Create an Interesting Bath ...

Soaking oneself in a luxurious bath filled with aromatic oils and herbs can be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Fortunately you don’t have to go to a fancy hotel or enlist for a spa package to enjoy it. You can create an enticing bath right in your own home by putting together some basic bath oil recipes. Here are 7 ways to create an interesting bath.

1 Almond Bath

This simple and luxurious concoction is ideal for those who enjoy the intoxicating scent of almonds. All you need is 4 ounces of almond oil and a few drops of your favorite perfume. Mix them in a jar and leave it over night. When you are ready to soak in this concoction, drop a couple of teaspoons into your bath water and soak in the natural oils as they circle around you.

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2 Aromatic Bath

Preparing an aromatic bath requires understanding which essential oils appeal to you. There are quite a few – like lavender, rose, lemon, yarrow and citrus. Take about 10 drops of your favorite aromatic oil and combine it with 2 teaspoons of plain vegetable oil. Mix it well in a covered jar and set-aside until ready for use. The aromatic fragrances of the essential oils will intoxicate your senses as you soak in the luxurious bath water.

3 Honey and Milk Bath

This bath recipe requires a little more work than the first two but is well worth the effort. Take a cup of honey and mix in 2 cups of milk. Add 2 teaspoons of baking powder and a cup of rock salt. Mix everything by hand and then place under running water as your tub is filling. Just before entering, add half a cup of baby oil and a few drops of your favorite perfume. The end result will be silky smooth skin and a rejuvenated mind.

4 Vanilla Flavored Bath

If you like the smell of vanilla then this concoction is certainly for you. Take 2 tablespoons of vanilla and mix it with half a cup of honey. You can also add a cup of baby oil. Combine everything in a tall jar and shake vigorously. Your vanilla flavored bath awaits.

5 Vitamin E Soothing Bath

A vitamin E bath offers a number of benefits to your skin. All you need is about 10 Vitamin E capsules and your favorite aromatic oils. Empty the contents of the capsules into a mixing bowl and then add a few drops of the aromatic oil. You can also include some castor oil and sunflower oil. Keep mixing it for a week after which you are ready to use it.

6 Glycerin and Olive Oil Bath Oil

A glycerin inspired bath is ideal during winter months when you are constantly plagued with dry skin. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. A couple of drops of your favorite aromatic oils can add fragrance and voila you have superlative bath oil.

7 Dry Skin Control Bath Oil

Take 6 tablespoons of dried chamomile and combine it with 5 tablespoons of your favorite moisturizing soap. In a separate bowl, mix your favorite aromatic oil with a cup of boiling water. Combine the two and you will have a foamy and moisturizing bath oil.

Soaking in a well-prepared bath can offer a number of benefits to your mind and body. The best part about do-it-yourself recipes is that you know exactly what’s going into it and you end up enjoying it a little bit more.

Top image source: s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com

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