7 Tasty Fall Beers ...

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7 Tasty Fall Beers ...

Of all the things I love about fall, near the top of the list is the arrival of my favorite fall beers! They’re sweeter, spicier, and just plain tastier than the light-weight summer beers, and they taste so good with all of my favorite fall foods! If you’re looking for a delicious fall beer to add to your rotation, keep reading! Here’s my list of 7 tasty fall beers, all of them widely available across the U.S.

1 Sam Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale

This is my favorite fall beer, mostly because it tastes so rich, so spicy, and so full! It’s made with 11 pounds of pumpkin per barrel, along with a helping of classic pumpkin pie spices (like cinnamon and ginger), to give it a genuine fall flavor.

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2 Blue Moon Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale

Oh, another delicious pumpkin ale! This one’s another fall favorite, with a gorgeous light amber color, perfect, according to the brewers, with turkey, sweet potatoes, or beef. It may not be easy to find, but it’s so tasty!

3 Magic Hat Hex

I know this doesn’t really mean anything, but isn’t this the coolest name ever for an Octoberfest beer? It also happens to be delicious, with a very sweet, smoky flavor, what the brewer calls “hints of toffee and caramel.”

4 Sierra Nevada Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale

The Tumbler is named, poetically, for the falling leaves, and while you’re enjoying this beer, it’s a good idea to relax and watch the leaves as they tumble past. It’s perfect on a crisp fall day, especially with a hearty turkey sandwich.

5 Goose Island Harvest Ale

Goose Island has a unique take on harvest ales — theirs is an ESB, so if you tend to avoid harvest ales because they’re too sweet, and not hoppy enough, give this one a go! Pour it into a Willi glass and enjoy it with your favorite poultry sausage!

6 Anchor Steam Humming Ale

“Humming” is a medieval term used to describe all kinds of ales and beers, but to Anchor Steam, it’s a tasty beer available through October, the very heart of fall. It was first brewed in August 2009, and even though it’s a relatively young beer, it’s definitely worth trying.

7 Jack’s Pumpkin Spice Ale

Because this beer is distributed by Michelob, you can get it just about anywhere, and that’s a good thing, too, since you’ll want to drink a lot of it this fall! It goes beautifully with any of your favorite holiday breads (like orange or pumpkin spice!) and also, oddly enough, with a nice wedge of Wensleydale. Yum!

I always wish these delicious fall beers were available all year long, but then they wouldn’t be as good, would they? Bring a few of these to a fall bonfire or football tailgate party and see which you like best… or maybe you already have a favorite! Is it from this list, or if there another one you like better, perhaps a microbrew? Please let me know!

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