7 Steps for a Faster Makeup Routine ...

By Jordin5 Comments

7 Steps for a Faster Makeup Routine ...

If you're like most women out there, it's a hassle to find enough time to get dressed and brush your teeth in the mornings! But I can help! Here's a list of 7 steps to simplify and narrow down your routine to make it faster, but still just as beautiful and efficient.

1 Skip Foundation

You don't need foundation every single day. It can clog your pores and it can take longer to apply. Instead, just use concealer to cover dark circles under your eyes and any blemishes or redness you may have. Time saved: 60-85 seconds

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2 Use a Combined Blusher/bronzer

Don't underestimate the power of bronzer and blush to wake up your face and make it look like you have a full face of makeup on. Using a fluffy brush, apply your blush under your cheek bones and on the apple of your cheeks up towards your temple, then apply the bronzer on your cheek bones, your forehead and your nose, all the areas where the sun naturally highlights. Time saved: 35 seconds

3 Skip Liner on the Bottom

This is a smart step for more than one reason, not only will it save you time, but putting eyeliner on the bottom can make dark circles more noticeable. Apply your liner only on the top for a fresh look. Time saved: 30 seconds

4 Use Clear Mascara

This is probably the biggest time saving step of all, especially if you fill in your brows. With clear mascara, you don't need to fill in your brows because the gel darkens them and smooths the hairs into place. Then just swipe some onto your lashes, no need to be as slow and careful as if you were using black or brown mascara! No clumps to worry with either. Time saved: 2-3 minutes

5 Use a Loose Powder

Pressed powder can take longer to apply than loose powder because you have to make sure it's even and take your time blending it in. With loose powder you just dip in your brush and swirl it over your whole face. However, if you use bronzer, you can skip powder altogether. Time saved: 60 seconds

6 Skip Liner and Lipstick

Instead of lipstick, use colored lip balm or gloss. It will go on quicker and touch ups through out the day will be easier. Just avoid a gloss with glitter in it if you are over 30, because it can cause you to look unprofessional and the glitter may seep into lines around your mouth throughout the day. Time saved: 60 seconds

7 Don't Bother with Touch-ups Throughout the Day

Except for lip gloss of course, don't bother with touching up your powder. Try using oil absorbing sheets instead which only take half the time and remove all the oil off your face and keep it looking fresh.

As women, we always want to look and feel our best. That doesn't always seem possible with hectic mornings and crazy schedules. But with these steps to a faster make-up routine, you'll look as gorgeous as ever and no one will ever know you only spent 4 minutes on your face! Do you have any other tips for streamlining makeup in the morning? Please share!

Top Photo Credit: Teo-T

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