7 Smalls Steps to Being Eco-Friendly ...

By Fawn

7 Smalls Steps to Being Eco-Friendly ...

The best little clever and relevant shirt I’ve seen in a long time is about a very hot topic right now. Above a picture of the Earth it says “Respect Your Mother.” Now I realize how hard it is to be eco-friendly sometimes, but really, you don’t need to change your whole life. Every small change makes a difference. These are seven small things that you can do to make a difference without taking time out of your busy schedule!

1 Recycle

Sounds pretty easy right. Just buy a few different bins when you’re at the store and start separating your trash. In all, it should add about 5 minutes to your day. It’s pretty simple and to the point. Besides, have you seen the cool recycled products that people are kicking out these days? Maybe you should find out if a friend wants all your old soda bottles and newspapers!

Frequently asked questions

2 Bring Your Own Bag

Long gone are the days of asking "paper or plastic?" Next time you’re in line at checkout, buy a few reusable bags and keep them in your car to actually reuse. It’s great for the environment AND a lot of stores offer discounts per bag! Not only will this make you live green, you’ll also save some green.

3 B.Y.O.B

B.Y.O.B Photo Credit: Salt Lake Valley Health Department (SLVHD)

And I don’t mean of Scotch. Everywhere you go nowadays you see those neat little reusable water bottles. Why not splurge a little and save all those little plastic bottles from a long life in a dump somewhere? Plus this will save you a little bit of cash in the long run when you don’t have to buy case upon case of mini water bottles to take with you on the run!

4 Carpool Anyone?

Why take 3 cars when you could take one? This step could be slightly more time-consuming than the others, depending on where your co-workers live. But, carpooling just twice a week is a great way to save gas and save the planet. Carpool with 2 other people, rotate days and the car you take.

5 Online Bill Pay

Online Bill Pay Photo Credit: Signature SugarArt

That’s right, it’s convenient and it saves trees, what could be better? A lot of places actually offer incentives to go paperless as well! Plus you can do it just about anytime you want to while wearing as much or as little as you want to! So save a little on postage, save a little time and in the mean time, save a few trees and pay those bills the new-fashioned way!

6 Let a Little Light

Have a room with a lot of great natural light? Why not leave the lights off til dark? And when you do turn those bad boys on, why not use one of those really cool and oddly shaped energy-efficient bulbs they’re always pushing at the hardware store? They do last for a lot longer...

7 Donate to Thrift Stores

Donate to Thrift Stores Photo Credit: pixeljones

That old saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” really does have some merit. So don’t throw away your old clothes that still have some wear, don’t chuck out those old book that you have — donate them. Someone is sure to want your old teapot without a lid, you’d be amazed at how crafty you can get with thrift store goods! And trust me, it’s better to let someone that’s crafty make fun little things then let all of your old stuff die in a landfill!

Well ladies, these are my small steps to be just a little more eco-friendly. You don’t need to buy a hybrid or put solar panels on your house if you don’t want to but these small steps are so easy, who wouldn’t want to take part? Is there anything else that you can think to do to help out the planet? Let me know down below!

Top Photo Credit: eva8*

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