7 Reasons to Travel to Germany ...

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7 Reasons to Travel to Germany ...

I’ve traveled to many countries, but I haven’t gotten the chance to take a trip to Germany yet. I do have a friend that lives there and she’s always trying to get me to bring the family over for a visit. Even if you don’t personally know someone who lives in Germany there are still plenty of reasons why you should visit this amazing country. Here is my list of 7 reasons to travel to Germany.

7 Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest Photo Credit: xniev

The US has a few cities that take on the challenge of producing an Oktoberfest that is supposedly similar to the one held in Germany. I would love to see the real thing! This festival lasts between 16 to 18 days and takes place at the end of September and the beginning of October. It is filled with traditional Bavarian food, music, and other festivities designed to celebrate Bavarian culture.

Frequently asked questions

6 Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle Photo Credit: stavrospap2004

The castle in Disneyland was designed after this particular castle in Germany. King Ludwig II commissioned this castle to be built overlooking the Hohenschwangau valley. It took 16 years to complete the portion of the castle that stands today. Even though Neuschwanstein castle is still incomplete, it is a gorgeous site that shouldn’t be missed.

5 Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral Photo Credit: Texas Ian

The construction of this magnificent cathedral took 600 years to complete. The numerous towers and spires rocket into the sky. They remind me of an Edward Gorey drawing. If you are looking for some truly amazing architectural design, then this cathedral is the one to see. There are two towers that reach 515 feet into the air.

4 The Rhine River

The Rhine River Photo Credit: iursu

Cruises up and down the Rhine River are a very popular activity for tourists who visit Germany. Taking a boat along the Rhine is an excellent way to relax as you see the sites. There is so much history along this river. The length of the cruise ranges between 3 to 30 days, depending on how many sites you wish to experience.

3 Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets Photo Credit: sciascia

There isn’t just one main Christmas market in Germany to visit during the holidays. A number of Christmas markets exist all through Germany. People visit these glorious markets during the holidays to find truly unique gifts, instead of settling for the mass produced and often overly commercial items sold in most stores. The atmosphere at each market is filled with the festive spirit that is hard to produce with a department store setting.

2 Dachau

Dachau Photo Credit: neilalderney123

As depressing and downright gruesome as it may seem to some people, visiting this historic site in Germany comes highly recommended by people who have also visited Auschwitz in Poland. Dachau was a camp used to train staff for sending off to various concentration camps.

1 The Architecture

The Architecture Photo Credit: Ela2007

The beautiful architecture seen all over Germany is enough reason for me to pay this fine country a visit. Each little town has so much character, culture, and history stored up in it, just in the architectural style alone. I’m always amazed at the designs of buildings and homes in European countries, but I think Germany tops them all.

I hope these 7 reasons to travel to Germany have inspired you to look into taking a trip to this country some time in the future. I think the Christmas season would be a very romantic time to visit Germany. What a superb setting to do some holiday shopping in! Have you ever visited Germany or are you thinking of going? What would you like to see while you are there?

Top Photo Credit: ManOfTheWoods

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