7 Historical Places to Take Your Kids ...

By Talynn3 Comments

7 Historical Places to Take Your Kids ...

Lately, my observation of the average family has led me to a startling discovery - children are not being fed the knowledge of our nations history like they used to. Many families choose to go to places like Disney World or Holiday World. While I have no problem with either of those places or the fun that they offer, I believe that it is especially important to vacation to places of historical value - places that are a memory of vital parts of our Nation's rich history. Here are a few places that I think would make excellent places to vacation with your kids!

1 Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears Photo Credit: Mrs. Kpax

The Trail of Tears is a reminder of the heartless removal of the Cherokee Indian tribe from their lands in the Southeaster part of The United States to a reservation. Nearly 4,000 of the 15,000 Indians died during this treck across the wilderness. This trip would be better suited for older children, helping them to understand the pain and suffering that made our country what it is today.

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2 Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty Photo Credit: jcllight11283

The Statue of Liberty is iconic of the American dream of freedom. And yet, thousands of Americans will live out their lives and die without ever getting the chance to visit this beautiful landmark! I fully intend on trying my best to take my child when he is old enough to fully appreciate everything the Statue of Liberty represents.

3 Appomatox Court House National Historic Park

Appomatox Court House National Historic Park Photo Credit: r_bowley

Appomatox Court House is the site where Lee surrendered to Grant, ending the American Civil War. There is a museum housing the actual furniture that the two generals sat in as well as the table that Lee signed the surrender on. As you tour the area, you will encounter re-enactors, allowing you and your children to experience life as it was in 1865!

4 The Alamo

The Alamo Photo Credit: The Rocketeer

The Alamo is a beautiful place to visit - though it's history is a bloody one. Today, it is one of the most popular U.S. tourist attractions, receiving about 2.5 million visitors annually! Definitely a place where your boys would be interested in visiting, especially if they are fans of Davie Crockett!

5 Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore Photo Credit: Walter G. Arce

Mount Rushmore was actually created to promote more tourism in the Black Hills region. It was decided that the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln would be carved to represent the first 150 years of U.S. history!

6 The Hermitage

The Hermitage The Hermitage, home of President Andrew Jackson is a beautiful place, flowing with history to take your children to! You may take a tour of the mansion, and then browse the grounds surrounding it for as long as you like. You will see beautiful gardens, Jackson's tomb, and get a peek into what slavery was like as well. They also offer a tour by wagon!!

7 Plymouth Colony

Plymouth Colony Photo Credit: John Guy2010

Plymouth Colony is a place I have dreamed of going for years, and I hope I get to go one of these days! Plymouth colony is a full-blown re-enactment of life as it was in 1627!! All of people are dressed in time-appropriate clothing and each one has a specific character that they play. The entire time you are there, no one gets out of character! (You could ask them what they thought about the election of President Obama, and they would look as you as if you were crazy!) You can learn about so many things that you definitely want to take more than one day to go!

Remember that our nation's history is a very important thing to teach our children, and what better way to do it than to take them to the places where history was born! Have you ever been to any of these places I mentioned?

Top Photo Credit: weheartit.com

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