7 High Paying Careers Ideal for Women ...

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7 High Paying Careers Ideal for Women ...

Women make up almost 50% of the workforce in America. Yet, we find that women do not get paid at par with men. However, more and more women are seeking out jobs that pay them higher salaries than others. Here are some of the high paying careers ideal for women.

1 Chief Executive Officer

While only about a quarter of the CEO’s in America are women, more and more women are entering businesses and reaching for the top rung of the ladder. They earn approximately 75% of the salary that men earn in the same positions. Experts believe that it is now becoming easier for women to become CEO’s rather than specializing in fields like law and medicine.

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2 Pharmacist

This has become one of the high paying careers ideal for women. Almost half the pharmacists in America are now women and they earn over 75% of the salary that men earn in the same position.

3 Lawyers

Once a field dominated by men, more and more women are now entering law schools and becoming lawyers. More than 50% students in law colleges are now women. Currently, over a third of the country’s lawyers are women and they earn almost 75% of the salary earned by men in the same position.

4 IT Managers

This is one of the fields that women are making great strides in. In recent years, more and more women have made it to the post of computer or IT managers. Currently, they constitute almost 30% of jobs at this level. They earn almost 80% of the salary that men earn in the same position.

5 Software Engineer

This is one of the best high paying careers ideal for women. In these positions, women earn as much as 85% of the salary that men earn in the same position and they already constitute almost a fourth of the workforce at this level.

6 Physician or Surgeon

While many women work in the position of physician or surgeon, their median salary in this category is not very high, because they tend to choose low paying specialties like family practice and pediatrics. However, overall, they constitute over a third of the workforce in this profession and earn a median of 65% of the salary earned by men in the same position.

7 Computer Programmer

This is by far the best of all high paying careers ideal for women, simply because it has the least gender bias in terms of salary. While less than a fourth of this workforce is women, they earn well over 90% of the salary earned by their male counterparts. This job also has other perks like requirement of only bachelor’s degree, telecommuting, etc.

It is true that even in these high paying careers ideal for women, there is still a lot of gender bias in terms of salary where women are concerned. But, as women are beginning to constitute higher and higher percentage of the workforce in these fields, the salary gap is also beginning to close in.

Top Photo Credit: Nika Fadul

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