You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy being with the one you love. There are plenty things you can to together for free, or for very little money. If you are fresh out of ideas and need to squeeze your billfold shut, enjoy some of the ideas I’ve put together below. Here’s to cheap love. (Pun intended!)
Photo Credit: Scootzsx
Rent a movie, order pizza, and stay home. Here’s the catch: Eat in your sexy Teddy. You may not take in much of the movie, the whole point is to be together. So whatever happens, happens….
Photo Credit: Lauren Withrow
If you are a fan of stories, take turns reading to each other. A great choice: Reader’ Digest. There are lots of short stories, dramas, jokes, and serious, news pieces. Spend the day at the park, on a blanket, under a tree. Have fun just being together.
Why not run to Dairy Queen and order banana splits. You can share, or get your own. Or if you want something more formal, but really can’t afford a 5 star restaurant, simply order coffee and dessert. You get to dress up, go to a nice place, but save dollars by eating simple.
Bowling is fun, even if you cant’ bowl a strike! It doesn’t cost more than $3.00 or $4.00 a game. Bowl a couple rounds, then go home and soak in the tub. What a nice way to spend the evening!
Photo Credit: Brandon Godfrey
Summers are full of carnivals and fairs and tickets cost hardly nothing. I loved fairs when I was younger. Go win a teddy bear of funny green frog. And don’t leave until you have eaten a corndog and funnel cake.
Photo Credit: Extra Medium
If you do not live close to a beach, stroll around a lake. Many city and state parks have scenic lakes. Take a picnic and enjoy the afternoon in each others company. Turn your cell phones off.
Photo Credit: floridapfe
Zoo are not just for kids! It’s fun to walk the zoo and watch the animals. Go early in the morning or late in the evening around dinner time. The animals are most active at this time.
Do you have a favorite, inexpensive date idea you would like to share with me? I'm always on the look out for great ideas!
Top Photo Credit: - ♥ Cherie ♥ -