7 Best Homework Help Websites ...

By Talynn12 Comments

7 Best Homework Help Websites ...

Yes, 5th grade maybe uncomplicated to the average adult, but do you know the capital of Antigua? How about the formula for finding perimeter and square feet? Do you know what gerunds and infinitives are, how to find them, and how to correct them? If not, here are my favorite “intellectual” website helpers. You will find plenty of pointers for all your homework difficulties. (PS. I corrected the infinitive in the last sentence!)

1 Info Please

Info Please This sight incorporates an encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, and many other helps into your child’s education. There is the Homework center crammed full of almost everything imaginable for your school work and more references your could ever use in one night.

Frequently asked questions

2 Math Help

Math Help Does your child struggle with math facts? Does she need a boost in multiplication? Math Homework Help demonstrates through videos how numbers go together. Fascinating tutorials prove numbers aren’t intimidating at all but are fun and easy!

3 More Math Help

More Math Help One more spot you might encourage your child to peek at is Math.com. On line quizzes, tutoring, games, and math explanations are just what the teacher ordered. Several grade levels are represented for multiple children’s needs.

4 Homework Spot

Homework Spot If your child ever has assignments, research papers, book reports, or science projects (or any kind of project) please don’t miss this website. You will find SAT help, college information, and so much more! Designed for older students as well as younger grades, all of your children will benefit from this website.

5 Fact Monster

Fact Monster I included this site because of the Science homework help. Please don’t skip over the other subjects though. They are all here- Geography, History, Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies. Perfect for elementary and middle school kids!

6 Education World

Education World This site caters to the educator but I wanted to include it because there are numerous links your child will benefit from and enjoy using. Many, many references and online books are simply a click away.

7 Virtual Library

Virtual Library I had to include on web page on liberal arts! The Arts, classical music, dance, and theater are at the top of my list of favorite subjects. While many do not place enough emphasis on the knowledge of humanities, there is occasional classes and homework on this subject. This web site is awesome. Please check out all the subjects here, not just the Arts!

Please use caution when you allow your child access to the Internet. While I just listed a small sampling of how wonderful the Web is, we all know the dangers hidden out there as well. Can you think of the perfect homework helper?

Top Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks

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